C3 Flow 2-1 with Backchecker - Pro
C3 Flow 2-1 with Backchecker – Pro
Key Points:
Attack with speed and make the first play early on the 2-1. One high one low, one fast one slow. D read who the most dangerous player is and deny a pass across the mid-line of the zone. If they slide it must be outside of the post. It is really a 2 on 2 with the D and Goalie.
1. Start with a 2-1 rush with a back checker.
2. Forwards in the corners and D wait in the neutral zone.
3. Back checker peel to one corner and get a pass to start a new 2 on 1.
4. Original forwards finish the 2-1 attack.
5. Forward from the other corner become the back checker.