T1-2 Tight Turn-Quick up 2-0 -TJ
The third stage of teaching the breakout reads includes the forwards who finish with a 2-0-1 rush (Goalies are people too.)
B T1-2 Tight Turn-Quick up 2-0 –TJ
Key Points:
The key is to drive skate at a 45 degree angle toward the net and then do a tight turn to the outside when the forward crosses over.
1. Coach pass to D1.
2. D1 drive skate at 45 degree angle to net and the coach pressure from the inside.
3. D1 tight turn outside and pass to F1 on the boards.
4. F1 pass across to F2 and they attack 2-0.
5. Repeat with the coach passing to F2 on the other side.