B3-D2 Partner Pass - Keepaway - 1-1 Game
Key Points:
Protect the puck on offense and stick on the puck on defense. Keep score between teams. Young players go about 15" and older players shorter shifts.
1. Start with 1 exchanging pucks with 2 while skating at the top of the circle.
2. Move to the middle circle on the whistle and 2 to the top of the circle.
3. Originals 1's play keepaway with puck coach puts in.
4. On whistle move to the far end and play 1 on 1 cross ice.
5. Return to the line-up and start as a passer.
*Keep it at a 1 to 4 w/r ratio so if there are more than 8 players do the circuit 2-2 and 1-1.