DT5 - 1-1 to 3-3 Nets Back to Back - U18F
DT500 - 1-1 to 3-3 Nets Back to Back - U18F
Key Points:
Quick transition from offense to defense with puck protection the emphasis on offense and defensive side with the stick on the puck on defense.
1. Nets are back to back in one zone.
2. Extra players are jokers who are around the defensive net ready for a pass to go onto offense.
3. Start with 1-1 and progress up to a 3-3.
4. On transition to offense the defender pass to a joker who attacks the opposite facing net.
5. The offensive player defends when they lose the puck.
6. Keep score.
7. Add the option to pass to jokers.
8. Coach pass to non offending joker is the puck goes out of play or after a goal.