F-A3 Skating and Goalie Warmup-Slovakia U20
F-A3 Skating and Goalie Warm-up - Slovakia U20
Key Points:
Skate with long strides to warm-up before practice and conditioning at the end. Skate forward and backward. To warm-up the goalie the coach shoots at the four corners and five hole.
1. Skate in four five man units so it is a 1 effort to 3 rest ratio.
2. Warm-up skating with long strides from the red line, behind the net to the red line.
3. End practice with everyone skating around the coaches in four groups.
4. Skate forward from the corner around the coach and then pivot to backward skating around the other coach and back to forward two laps.
5. Coaches move every rep so the ice doesn’t get broken and ruined for the next practice.