B5 Regroup 2-0 x 2-Flames
B5 Regroup 2-0 x 2-Flames
Key Points:
This drill works on the wide hinge, giving targets, pass to the middle, wide entry and middle drive. Everything should be done as quickly as possible with good habits like stopping at the net for rebounds.
1. Start with the players in the middle circle with red on one going one way and blue the other.
2. Two D from each team start at the blue line.
3. F1 pass to D1 who skates to the middle and passes to D2 who has hinged wide and up.
4. D2 pass to F1 in the middle. D return to the middle circle.
5. F1 pass to F2 who enters the zone in the wide lane.
6. F2 shoot and both forwards look for a rebound.
7. This drill is done from each end.
The coach could add tasks like Red F1 defend a 2-1 vs. the Blue F1 and F2 coming the other lane or skills like F2 shoot low to the far pad while F1 goes for the rebound.