A200 Variable Goal Training - Skating and Puckhandling
A200 Variable Goal Training - Skating and Puckhandling
Key Points:
Simulate a defender by using small nets as obstacles. The player skates around and carries the puck using various moves and fakes. Any move can be practiced and the nets are a much larger obstacle than pylons. Focus on good technique.
1. Put 4 nets as obstacles down the length of the ice.
2. Player does various skating and puck handling exercises and finish with a shot. Start slowly focusing on technique and then add speed and different skills around each net.
3. The video example shows.
A. Cross over skating and weave through the nets without a puck.
B. Cross over skate and weave through the nets with a puck as quietly as possible.
C. Heel to heel pivot past the nets alternating sides with a puck.
D. Yo-yo the puck into the net and out practicing the toe drag.
E. Fake shot and tight turn each way (without crossing the hands on forehand.)