DT4 Jokers Behind the Net and at Point
DT4-Jokers at Point and Below Goal Line
Key Points:
Regroup and get open. Defender go from role 3 to 4 and attacker from role 1 to 2.
Great game for transition between all 4 game playing roles.
1. Play from 1-1 to 3-3 with one joker at the point and one below the goal line.
2. When defender gets the puck he must regroup with either the joker at the point the low joker.
3. Joker to joker passes are ok.
4. Jokers at the point can check each other and progress to low jokers can check each other.
5. Players rotate after a joker has made two passes.
6. Keep score and play tournaments.
*Rules like you must pass to either joker, one joker, both jokers or jokers can check jokers can be implemented.