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F - B5 Overspeed Skate-Pass-Shoot
B5 Overspeed Skate-Pass-Shoot
Key Points:
Do everything at top speed. Pass, shoot, skate, rebound, backcheck.
1. Player 1 and 2 leave on the whistle exchanging the puck quickly.
2. Shoot and rebound.
3. On the whistle skate back over the blueline as fast as possible.

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Views 4589
Media ID 20090805115344598 
Wednesday, August 05 2009 @ 03:53 PM GMT
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Uploaded By: TomM  


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Media ID 20090805115344598  
Date Wednesday, August 05 2009 @ 03:53 PM GMT
Comments 0
Views 4589
Keywords short bursts, quick turns, pivot, start, stop, rebound, back check, shoot, pass
Uploaded By TomM
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