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D400 - 2-2 x 2 - Joker at Point - U17

Key Points:

Players must quickly transition from offense to defense to loose puck. Don’t check the Joker who must shoot or pass quickly to the offensive team. Defend from the net side and see the puck and see your man. Attackers protect the puck and get sticks free and gain the offensive side in support.


1. One Joker on the offensive team and a 2 on 2 in each half of the zone.
2. Coach fire in a new puck on a goal, frozen puck or puck out of play.
3. Games can be used to instruct good decisions and technique.
4. Attackers protect the puck and go hard to the net.
5. Defender pass the puck to the coach.
6. Repeat on the other side while new players rotate in.

*This game works on all 4 Game Playing Roles and 3 Game Situations.

*When the puck is at the point offensive and defensive support are the focus.

*Game progression is use one puck and defenders pass to the opposite point to start that side.



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E100 Change on the Go Shootout - Swiss U20

Key Points:

Make a hard fake to make the goalie lean one way. Shoot where the goalie is coming from and not where he is going. If he goes down then go up, if he stays up then shoot low, if he comes out then deke, if he stays deep in the net shoot.


1. Pucks in the middle circle and players leave from middle gate on the bench.
2. Contest is to see which team scores with all the pucks first.
3. If shooter scores, the next player can’t leave until he touches the bench with his stick.
4. No goal then the rebound is passed to the next player on the bench.

*Losing team has to do push ups or skate for each puck they didn’t score with.

*Coach can add fun by giving an extra point for the team that scores the most creative goal.



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T1-2 - B5 - Rim-Low 2-0 BO-Tap Back to C – Pro

Key Points:

F1 protect the puck vs. a pinching D. F2 swing below the puck from the middle lane and time it so he is still there when F1 can pass.


1. Two lines of forwards at the blue line and a coach in each corner.
2. Coach rim the puck F1 get to the wall F2 swing below him in the middle.
3. F1 touch pass the puck back to F2.
4. F1-2 do a tight turn over the blue line and attack 2-0.
5. Repeat on the other side with F3-F4.




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T4 - Teaching Team Defense

Wally Kozak sent me two PDF's that he prepared on teaching defensive hockey. Wally was my mentor last year and I really enjoyed working with him. He coached the national men's team with Dave King in the 90's and has been involved with HC every since. Wally, like myself, is a long time PE teacher who coaches hockey and looks at the game through different eyes than most coaches.

There are a lot of practical ideas in the articles.

Wally regularly posts You Tube video that analyzes the game.


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T1 - A500 - D Breakout Options – Pro

Key Points:

D get in the habit of looking over one shoulder to read where the pressure is coming from and fake into then skate away from pressure.


1. Coach dumps the puck in from the blueline and one 2 D start at the top of the circle.
2. D skate up to the blueline and then backward pivot to the inside and get the dump in.
3. Two D alternate at each side going back for the puck and pass to the coach.
4. Turn to forward and shoulder check one way to read the pressure.
5. First dump ‘Counter’ by driving to the far post at the back of the net then out original way.
6. Second puck fake to the inside and tight turn outside.
7. Skate between the dots before passing to the coach.
8. Progress to two D leave at once.
9. Start with ‘Over’ D to D behind net then hinge back to D in middle x 2.
10. Next practice the ‘Reverse’ x 2.
11. Players switch to the original side when the skate up to the blue line.
12. Pass puck hard off the boards so it comes back to partner inside the dots.

* A progression for this sequence is to have a player forecheck and D read the best option.




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T1 - D Pivot - Quick Up x 2 – Pro

Key Points:

Shoulder check the inside and then tight turn to the outside. Pick up the puck in the triple threat position and pass up the boards.


1. Player in middle at top of the circles and a coach on each side at the blue line.
2. Skate up to the blue line then backward as the coach places a puck below the dot.
3. Tight turn to the outside and pass up to the coach.
4. Skate to the blue line, poke the coaches stick.
5. Skate backward, turn, shoulder check and pick up the puck and pass to the coach.
6. Skate hard out of the zone.
7. The other players repeat the same sequence.

* Always come out of the tight turn with the head up, protect the puck and be ready to pass quickly.




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T1 - A500 - D Tight Turn and Up – Pro

Key Points:

Crossing the hands on a forehand tight turn is poor technique. Hold the top hand back and bottom hand low on the shaft and come out of the turn in the triple threat position.


1. Coach passes to the player from the top of the circles.
2. First pass the player does at tight backhand turn and pass to the coach.
3. Second pass turn backhand then skate in and shoot.
4. Rep two turn to the forehand.

* Always follow the shot for a rebound.




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D200 - 1-1 to 3-3 With Give and Go - U17

Key Points:

The player who wins the loose puck battle gains a huge advantage and can add players. Maximum or 3-4 players on each team. Add players to the outnumbered team after a scoring chance. Leave room behind the net for walk outs etc..


1. Players line up on the blue line, one team on each side and leave from the middle.
2. Start with the coach shooting the puck in for a 1-1 loose puck battle.
3. Puck carrier can score or add a player with a give and go pass.
4. A 3-1 is the largest advantage.
5. The defender can also give and go if he gets the puck.
6. After a scoring chance the coach adds players to make even situations 2-2 or 3-3.
7. Keep score.



D200 - 1-1 to 3-3 With Give and Go - U17


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D1 Game Using Different Balls, Rings, Pucks - Youth

Key Points:

This is a nervous system overload situation where the player must adapt to the weight, bounce, feel, size of different objects and because there are multiple pucks, balls and rings he/she must also develop split vision.


1. Play a game with everyone on the ice at the same time.
2. Have multiple pucks or a combination of pucks, balls and rings.
3. If there is a soccer ball then only the feet can be used.
4. With a ring the player turns the stick upside down.
5. Only one player at a time can shoot, so the goalie must see and react to the shooter.
6. Leave the puck, ball, ring in the net after a goal and count the objects when all are in the net.
7. Use multiple nets if it is a large group with more than two goalies.

*The big guy in white and red is Dany Heatley when he was playing for Wisconsin. He came to my camps and trained with summer teams I coached from age 5.



D1 - Multiple Pucks and Balls – Youth

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A202 - 3-0 Chaos Overspeed x 2 - U17

Key Points:

Go as fast as you can and make fakes, tight turns and protect the puck vs. coaches.


1. Start from the top of the circles in 3 lines.
2. Skate at full speed in the neutral zone.
3. Avoid other players and poke checks by coaches.
4. Make dekes, tight turns, fakes.
5. Pass to the front of the next line.


A202 - 3-0 Chaos Overspeed x 2 - U17

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C6 - 2-1 With BC - Low 2-2 - U17

Key Points:

Attack with speed to maintain the 2-1 and defenders must identify who they will cover.


1. Start at one end from the circle.
2. Attackers 1 and 2 leave from above the hash marks.
3. Defender 1 is inside the top of the circle with his stick upside down start forward and turn to back skating.
4. Defender 2 start from below the circle and back check.
5. Attacker 1 and 2 race down the ice to score.
6. Play out the 2-2 until the whistle and coach shoot in a new puck if needed.


C6 - 2-1 With BC - Low 2-2 - U17

* This video shows the Finnish coach Jalonen running this drill as a shootout contest.


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Why Use 'Games to Teach the Game'??

This is a video showing the analytic s that compare cross-ice and half-ice to full ice hockey for U8 players. It gives data on the number of touches etc.


They have been using cross-ice in Europe forever and Juhani and my book extol the benefits of SAG as well as full ice games with modified rules. When 82% of your clients are quitting by age 14 maybe it is time to try plan B. Make practice more enjoyable, more effective and somewhere players want to be at.

Coaches keep designing better and better drills that are slowly becoming more game-like but I ask. What is more game-like than a Game?????.

I can't speak French after 3 years of drill and practice with no conversational time. Education went to 'whole learning' in the early 70's. When will NA sport do the same thing?

D – Games to Teach the Game

DT - Transition Games

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B6 High Cycle - Screen - Slot Shot - Pro

Key Points:

Hit the net and make plays while skating. Face the puck and screen and square up for the one timer.


1. Forwards in the corner and D at the point.
2. F1 pass to D1 and cycle high.
3. D1 skate into the middle and pass to D2 who slides wide.
4. D2 pass to F1 skating in the high slot.
5. F1 either one time shot or skate down the middle and shoot.
6. F1 screen and F2 pass to D1 to D2 who shoots.
7. F1 kick back and one time a pass from the coach in the corner.
8. Repeat with F2.


B6 High Cycle - Screen - Slot Shot – Pro

The same drill and the F skates down the middle to deflect a shot pass.



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T2 - Walk-in - Shot Pass-High Cycle x 2 - Czech U20

Key Points:

Pass and shoot while skating, keep the stick on the ice as a target. On point shots one player screen, one player shot pass target and one player a one time or tip option.


1. F1 walk out from the corner and shoot on net.
2. F1 skate to the other corner then cycle high and pass to D1.
3. D1 pass across to D2 while F1 skates down the middle to the net.
4. D2 make a shot pass at F1’s stick and he tips the puck on net then rebounds.
5. F1 cycle to the mid slot and get a pass from F2 in the corner and shoot.
6. D1 get a pass from F2 and shoot.
7. F1 screen, F2 get in position for a one timer or tip and F3 go to the net for a shot pass.

* This drill can be done at both ends.



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B6 - One Touch High Cycle 2-0 - Czech U20

Key Points:

Exchange the puck with one touch passes, give a target, hit the net, follow the shot for a rebound.


A. Players are in each corner and on both sides at the blue line
B. Player 1 leave from the blue line and get a pass from 2.
C. 1 pass to 3 in the corner then get open on the wing.
D. 3 skate and pass to 1.
E. 1 one touch back to 3.
F. 3 pass across to 4 at the blue line.
G. 1 cycle high and down the middle lane for a pass.
H. 4 pass to 1 who shoots and 3 looks for a rebound.
I. 4 leaves for a pass from 5 to repeat on the other side.
J. 1 rotate to corner and 3 point.

* Options: 1 head to the net hard and redirect a shot pass from 4 or 1 take a low shot to the far pad for a pass off the pads to 3, who goes hard to the far post with his stick on the ice.


B6 - One Touch High Cycle 2-0 - Czech U20

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T2 - B5 - 5-5 BO -5-0 Shot-High Cycle F-D1-F-D2 Back Door – Pro

Key Points:

Skate while passing and make firm passes. Shoot while skating and follow the shot. Stop at the net after the original attack.


1. Start with a 5-0 attack.
2. F1-F2 cycle once then F2 pass up to the point and follow the pass.
3. Pass D1 to D2.
4. D2 pass back door to F2 who shoots.
5. Repeat in the other corner F1 cycle to F3 to D2 to D1 and backdoor to F3.
6. Five new players come out from the box and wait in the neutral zone.
7. Original five attack 5-5 vs. new group.
8. New group of five breakout 5-0 and repeat the sequence.
9. Cycle D to D back door to F from one corner and then the other.
10. Dump-in 5-5 forecheck - 5-0 repeat.



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T1 - Cycle-Pass-Shoot - U20

Key Points:

Pass and shoot while skating. Shooter face the puck for a pass and square up for a one timer. Shoot without handling the puck, receive in the sweet spot and shoot.


1. Players leave from the mid high slot.
2. Coach dump the puck into the corner.
3. Player A get the puck and skate up the boards and bounce pass back to B.
4. A skate around the top of the circle and give a target for a pass.
5. B pass to A who shoots and follows for a rebound.
6. Repeat in the other corner with B cycling to C and B shoot.

* Option is to cycle toward the back of the net and A kick out for a pass. Pass can be made off the bottom bar of the net into the slot.



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B5 - D Alternating Point Shots - Russian U20

Key Points:

Pass and shoot while skating. Give a target and hit the net with the shot. Use lots of fakes and carry the puck in the triple threat position.


1. D1 pick up and puck and skate inside the dot and pass to D2 who shoots while skating backwards.
2. D2 get a new puck, skate, pass to D1 who shoots while skating backwards.
3. D1 get a new puck skate a pass to D2 who is skating backwards.
4. D2 pass back to D1 who shoots from the mid-point.
5. Repeat - D2 to D1 to D2 who shoots.



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B2 - D Walk Line-Switch D to D One Timer - Russian U20

Key Points:

Skate along the line and use head and stick fakes to freeze the blocker. Feed passes to the forehand shooter.


1. Coach pass to D1 who skates along the blue line in the triple threat position making shot and pass fakes.
2. D2 skate behind D1 and switch sides.
3. D1 pass to D2 who is square to the puck to either pass or shoot.
4. If D2 is on his forehand he shoots. (Switch sides)
5. If D2 is on his backhand pass back to D1 who takes a onetime shot on his forehand.
6. Repeat with D2getting a pass from the coach.
7. Rotate in new shooters.

* Shooter have the stick back early and adjust so the shot is from the sweet spot.



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B2 - D to D Options x 4 - Point Shots - U17

Key Points:

Give a target, make firm passes and keep the stick blade square when receiving passes. Goalie direct the rebound to the corners.


A. Player 1 and 2 at the top of the circles.
B. Player 3 and 4 on each point.
C. Player 3 pass down to 1 across to 2 up to 4 who shoots.
D. 1 get a puck from the corner and pass behind the net to 2 up to 4 who shoots.
E. Player 4 pass down to 2, across to 1, up to 3 who shoots.
F. Player 2 get a new puck, pass behind to 1, up to 3 who shoots.
G. Rotate with 3-4 moving into the zone and 5-6 on the points.

* Players should practice passing and shooting from both sides and add D to D one timer point shots.

* Practice all of the breakout options: over, counter, reverse, wheel, quick up.

* Practice hinging outside and back and back to the outside.



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T2-4 - D400 - 5-4 - Russian U20

Key Points:

Offense keep moving and spreading the defense. Defenders skate straight lines, active sticks, closest player pressure the puck and play from the defensive side.


- Rotate from the overload into a diamond.
- Keep the puck moving to create seams in the defense.
- Spread the defense by moving the puck high-low-across.
- Weak side F has the mid-slot attacker.
- Defenders jump and pressure right away with the sticks in the passing lane.
- Play with a shot mentality always looking for shooting lanes.
- D switch sides when net front D pressures low then up the boards.
- Defenders skate straight lines, stop and start, don't finish checks, D side with stick on the puck.
- Closest defender get into the shooting lane.
- Defender take away the back door play and take the stick.
- Box out on both offense and defense.
- Closest defender pressure.
- Attackers use the mid-slot player as a pass option and pass from low to across the mid-line for one timers.



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T2 - Diamond and Spread PP Below Goal Line - Russian U20

Key Points:

Start with the overload and rotate into the low spread and diamond.


1. Set up 5-4 at one end.
2. Start with an overload at the hash mark.
3. Pass to the low player who sets up the diamond from behind the net.
4. Set up one timer shots and back door plays from behind the net.
5. Practice the 2-1-2 spread with one player on each side below the goal line.
6. Keep the puck moving from low to high and use the player in the middle to pass or shoot.
7. Rotate between one and two players below the goal line.

There are only glimpses of the Russians setting up below the goal line in this clip but in an ex-game vs. Canada U20 they used the low Diamond and Spread and got a goal on a one timer shot from the dot with a pass from below the line. The benefit of setting up below the goal line is that it is very hard for the defenders to see both the puck and the player they are covering who can slide into seams for a shot.



Toronto Scoring using Low Spread 2-1-2


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B2 - Skate and Shoot vs Backchecker Russian U20

Key Points:

Protect the puck and make a hard fake and shoot or else shoot quickly while skating. Follow the shot for a rebound.


1. Players start from one side at the blue line.
2. The player in front starts with a puck and is chased by the second player.
3. The checker give some resistance tapping either side while chasing.
4. Move the starting point to the middle.
5. Move to the other side.
6. Attacker make moves or take a quick shot.

* Options: fight for any rebound in the slot.

* Another option is to compete hard from the blue line.



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C6 – D Agility Skate 1-1 - Pro

Key Points:

Defensive work on agility and quick feet and forward good fakes and get a shot and follow it.


1. Players start from diagonal corners.
2. D1 at each skate out around the circle, back toward the boards and up the middle.
3. F1 at each end leave when D1 starts up ice.
4. F1's continue to attack the goal at the far end.
5. D1's defend vs. F1 from the other end.
6. D’s skate around inside-outside-up inside to blue line and 1-1.
7. Box out attacker after he shoots then look for the puck.

* Stick on puck and defensive side.



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T2 - 3 Shots - 4 Regroups – Pro

Key Points:

Extra players are on the bench and 3F-2D on the ice. Do this sequence from both sides. Defense hinge on D to D and stagger one higher wide and one in the middle. Everyone face the puck, give a target with the stick on the ice.


1. Start with 3 F taking one shot each from the top of the circles 2 D’s at the point.
2. Coach spot a puck at the far blue line and everyone skate out for a regroup.
3. Regroup One: D to D to wing anchoring on the boards.
4. Regroup Two: D-D-C.
5. Regroup Three: W-C Switch D-D-C on the far W.
6. Regroup Four: W-C Switch D-D-W cutting through the middle.
7. Group A go to the bench and repeat with group B.

* Always have a F anchor on the strong (puck) side boards.

* F on far W don't skate inside the dots until you see the middle F skating into your lane.

* Attack with a middle drive.



5-0 with 3 Regroups



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DT400 - 2-2 High and Low Jokers - U17

Key Points:

Players transition from the Three Game Situations 0-Loose Puck, 1-Offense, 2-Defense, and Four Game Playing Roles. On offense as a 1-puck carrier, 2-support puck carrier. On defense, 3-check the puck carrier, 4-cover away from the puck. Jokers can be coaches or players. Extra players wait outside the zone.


1. Play 1-1 to 3-3 with a joker at the point and another joker below the dots.
2. Transition to offense by passing to the joker who return passes to that team.
3. Players rotate on the whistle.
4. Play various situations by sending in from 1 to 3 new players.
5. Modify rules to work on skills. i.e. Goals only on one touch shots, point man must shoot, goals from give and go plays.



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T2 - NZ RG-5-0-High Cycle Options x 2 – Pro

Key Points:

Attack with speed and forward continue to cycle high and then down the lane for a cross-ice pass from the D or to get a rebound on a pass off the pads.


1. Start with attacking team regroup from the neutral zone.
2. Attack with a 3-0 middle drive.
3. F1 get a puck in the corner and cycle high then pass to D1.
4. D1 skate to mid-point and pass to D2.
5. D2 has the option to pass across to F1 who cycled high or shoot.
6. Repeat from the other corner. F2 high cycle,pass to D2 to D1 who can shoot or pass.
7. Coach pass to D3 in the neutral zone, F1-F2-F3 Forechek then D3-D4-F4-F5-F6 repeat.
8. Original 5 attacker go to the bench and a new 5 wait their turn in the Nzone.
9. When F1 cycles F2-F3 screen in two layers, hash and top of the crease.
10. F in the high screen layer does the second cycle.
11. The three F’s now forecheck until the coaches whistle and then the new five attack.
12. Rotate high cycle to net front to high slot.

• Option is have all three F’s do a high cycle and the next rep start in the other corner.



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B5 - D to D Hinges - U17

Key Points:

Shoulder check, skate and pass, D must stagger and not be parallel. Give a target and use head and shoulder fakes to freeze forecheckers.


1. Coach give a wide pass to D1 then D2.
2. D1 skate to the middle and pass to D2 who hinges up to the outside lane.
3. D2 pass back to D1 in the middle lane.
4. D1 pass to the coach.
5. Repeat with D2.
6. D3-D4 do the same sequence.

* Option: Use the same sequence to practice low breakout options.



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T2 - Touch Back to C on Pinch 3-1 – Pro

Key Points:

Box out the pinching D with your body and skate into the rim.


1. Players line up against the boards on one side in the neutral zone.
2. Three forwards and two defensemen leave the line-up.
3. D1 rim the puck and D2 pinch down on F1 the weak side wing.
4. F2 swing below F1 from the middle lane.
5. F1 touch the puck back to F2.
6. F1-F2-F3 attack 3-1 vs. D1.
7. F4-F5-F6 and D3-D4 repeat when the puck enters the far end.

*F1 has the option to carry the puck into the middle while F2 swings up the boards.

*Continue alternating ends.



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B2-B6 - F1-D1-F2 - Point Shot – Pro

Key Points:

Do everything with speed and good habits. Give a target, firm passes, keep the stick square to the pass, carry the puck in the triple threat position, follow the shot for a rebound with the stick on the ice. Shoot low from the point.


1. Forwards start in diagonal corners and defense at the point.
2. F1 continue skating down the wing.
3. D1's carry the puck around the circle and pass to the F1 skating down the other wing
4. Both F1's take a shot, look for the rebound then screen the goalie.
5. D1’s get a pass from the coach at the point the drag and shoot.
6. Repeat with F2's and D2's.


B2-B6 - F1-D1-F2 - Point Shot – Pro

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