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T2-4 - Specialty Teams and Timing Drills

These are drills for practicing power play and penalty killing.

T2 - Timing Drills

Puck support drills with lots of passing.

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T4 - Backchecking Drills

These are drills focused on backchecking.

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T1-2 - Breakout Options – Wheel, Go, Counter - U18 F

Key Points:
Principles for the Wheel, Go and Counter, with Terry Johnson a former NHL Defenseman. The key is skating hard to force the checker to commit and then choosing the option.

I had a former NHL defensive defenseman work with my defense on breakout reads. In my opinion it was terrific. He taught details like skate toward your post at a 45 degree angle to draw the defender then cut back and many other reads and counters. I am breaking down the video because he started with one D vs. zero pressure, then he pressured and then two D and then incorporated 4-0 amd 5-0/ Great stuff/ The first two videos have been posted.

1. Coach shoot the puck in and the D skate to the puck and then at a 45 degree angle to force the checker to cross over.
2. Wheel behind the net, cut up near the far post and pass to the point for a shot on net.
3. Critical point is to make the checker do what you want them to. If you skate to where you are going to pass first then the checker can get a good angle and steal the puck.
4. Go by skating hard one way and then tight turn away from pressure. Pass to the point for a shot.
5. Counter when the checker doesn’t chase behind the net.
6. Coach shoots the puck in and the player drive skates behind the net and then tight turns to come back the original way.
7. Pass to the wing who skates out and passes across to the point for a shot on net.



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T1-2 Breakouts vs. Checker – U18 F

The second stage of the sequence is for the D to read and turn away from the pressure and make the pass.

Key Points:

The defender must drive skate when they get the puck and read whether the checker chases behind, goes in front etc. Skate at a 45 degree angle to the net to make the checker cross-over and decide to wheel, go(cut back) or counter.


1. Shoot the puck into the corner and the coach or player gives pressure.
2. Shoulder check and read inside pressure then skate at a 45 degree angle toward the net to make the checker cross-over.
3. Tight turn away from pressure and pass to a player on the boards who passes to another player at the point who shoots.
4. Counter by skating behind the net and out the same way if the checker doesn’t chase behind.
5. Read if the checker is taking away the middle or the boards and pass to the open player.
6. Use a backhand pass if you need to miss the defenders stick in the passing lane or to protect the puck from a checker.
7. Quick feet make everything possible. If everyone is covered then carry the puck up the middle.



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T1-2 Tight Turn-Quick up 2-0 –U18 F

The third stage of teaching the breakout reads includes the forwards who finish with a 2-0-1 rush (Goalies are people too.)

Key Points:

The key is to drive skate at a 45 degree angle toward the net and then do a tight turn to the outside when the forward crosses over.


1. Coach pass to D1.
2. D1 drive skate at 45 degree angle to net and the coach pressure from the inside.
3. D1 tight turn outside and pass to F1 on the boards.
4. F1 pass across to F2 and they attack 2-0.
5. Repeat with the coach passing to F2 on the other side.



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T1-2 D to D and Up - 2-0 – U18 F

The fourth stage of teaching the breakout is the D to D pass that progresses into reading whether to do a D to D or draw the forechecker toward the middle and then tight turn and pass up to the wing. Again the key is to skate at a 45 degree angle toward the net and make the read. It is important for the D to stagger by hinging instead of being parallel which makes it easy for the forechecker to intercept the pass. Two forwards come back for the pass and shouldn't get too close to the D. Stay at least a third or half zone up ice.

Key Points:

The key is to drive skate at a 45 degree angle toward the net and then do a tight turn to the outside when the forward crosses over. Read the forecheck which is the best play.


1. Coach pass to D1.
2. D1 drive skate at 45 degree angle to net and the coach pressure from the inside.
3. D1 pass across to D2 who hinges behind.
4. D2 pass to F2 who passes across to F1 and they attack 2-0.
5. Repeat with the coach passing to F2 on the other side.
6. Add the D read the play and either tight turn outside and pass up if D2 is covered or pass D to D.



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T1-2 Breakout D to D 3-0 – T1-2 Breakout D to D 5-0 - TJ U18 F

The fifth and final stage of this breakout sequence is adding a centre and attacking 3-0. Terry has the D drive skating at 45 degrees to the net and then pass D to D. He demonstrates how the centre should mirror the puck from about a stick length behind giving a target. They practice this and then they go D1 to D2 back to D1 when the read is the passing lanes are taken away.

T1-2 Breakout D to D 3-0 – U18 F

Key Points:

Centre must mirror the D from the middle skating parallel and give a target. Stay behind the D so he can skate into the puck. D must drive skate when they get the puck.


1. Coach pass to D1 who drive skates at a 45 degree angle to the net.
2. D1 pass across to D2 who hinges up ice.
3. D2 pass to the C.
4. Forwards attack 3-0 at the far end.
5. Add D1 to D2 back to D1.
6. Add coach cover one of the D so they either go D to D or tight turn and up to the wing.



T1-2 Breakout D to D 5-0 - TJ - U18 F


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T1-2 Transition Drills - Seminar

This is a pdf. with 20 transition drills. There are many from Europe and the USA as well as Canada.

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T1-2 Regroup Drills - Seminar

Here are about a dozen regroup drills from the international coaching conferences.

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T - Fun Drills and Small Area Games - Seminar

I just finished making pdf's of the drills from two of the coaching conferences I attended. I will look for other booklets. I posted the 2006 one last year. HC hasn't had a conference in a while. HC cancelled the Maritime one a few years ago.
Topics so far posted are:

B T1-2 Regroup Drills
T1-2 Transition Drills
T4 – Backchecking Drills
T2-4 Special Situation Drills
T2 - Timing Drills
C - Gap Control Drills
C - One on One's Drills
T2 - Offensive Attack Drills
G - Goaltending Drills
B Shooting Drills
A - Puck Control Drills

Today I will post the last two.

D Fun Drills

D Small Area Games

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O - U17 Off-Ice Training – RB

Key Points:

Room for off ice training where the players cooled down after games and did weight and bike circuits. Also have an outdoor facility and skating treadmills.


1. Free weights weight machines.
2. Training room with blood testing machines.
3. Exercise bikes.
4. Agility ladders, hurdles, ropes, mats, exercise balls.
5. Video projector for team meetings.


O - U17 Off-Ice Training – RB

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C3 - Double Regroup 3-2 Pro W

Key Points:

Snap the puck around with hard accurate passes and then regroup with each D. Work on passing to the middle into the ‘Big Ice’ where there are more options. Practice everything with speed.


1. Start with 3 forwards and two sets of D in the neutral zone.
2. Pass the puck between the 3 F and 2 D until the whistle.
3. Regroup with both sets of D.
4. Attack the original D 3 on 2.
5. 3 new F’s pass with 2 D who were on the ice while the 2 new D come on.
6. Regroup with original 2 D on the whistle then again with the other D.
7. Focus on passing to the middle to start the attack.
8. Attack with speed and focus on the middle drive and not the slower trailer play.
9. New group start passing around while the 3 on 2 is played out.



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DT - Transition Game Presentation - IIHF Seminar – Wahlsten - Jursinov

Two IIHF Hall of Fame coaches, Russian Olympic coach Vladimir Yusinov and Juhani Wahlsten of Finland show various transition games to coaches at an IIHF coaching symposium.

Coaches in Europe tend to use more transition games than we do in North America. It is the natural progression from a drill with many pucks and the play ending artificially. Transition games use one puck and you play out the situation until a goal, frozen puck or a breakout pass and the play goes the other way. Players join during the rush and give either active, passive or active and passive support. You can basically create any situation you want to work on and the coach is free to coach instead of being like a traffic cop blowing a whistle. Simply talk to the players when they return to the line-up without stopping the play.

It is a total mystery to me why transition games are not a key tool in running effective practices with most NA coaches.

Practices in general look quite different. Less whistles and more player decision when to start the next rep. Practice in block or units of 5, more games and transition games. Generally more decision making and puck handling. Another thing I have noticed in my many trips to Europe is that in NA players practice offense working on defense and in Europe a lot of defense is learned while the team is working on offense. So we tend to practice defense a lot more and passively learn offense and visa-versa, if you get my drift.


DT100, 1 - 1 Passive Support D Join Rush and F Backcheck-Juuso, Jursi

DT400 - 2 on 1 Yursi-Juuso IIHF

DT400 - 3 on 2 Jursi-Juuso IIHF

DT100 - 3 on 2 with Passive Support - Juuso, Yursi
The full description and diagrams are in the attached pdf.

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A300 Tight Turns-Three Hard Strides-Shot - U18 F

Key Points:

Tight turn towards the boards and take three hard strides. Shoot while skating.


1. All of the players have a puck and skate around the rink.
2. On the coaches whistle turn towards the boards and take three hard strides and then slow up.
3. Next whistle tight turn toward the boards and go the other direction.
4. Shoot at both ends.
5. Progress to blowing the whistle twice, so the players go both ways quickly to practice puck protection.

*Another option is 5 hard strides.

* Over the years I have found this simple drill to transfer to Game Play right away.



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A300 Puck Handling vs. Defender Warm-up - U18 F

Key Points:

Defend passively and allow the attacker to make moves.


1. Red skate around the rink with a puck and make moves to pass each Blue defender.
2. Shoot at each end.
3. Switch roles twice so each colour goes both left and right.
4. Allow free choice of moves or coach directed.



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DT – Wahlsten-Jursinov Transition Game Presentation – On Ice

This is video of the ransition game presentation by the Russian Vladimir Yursinov and Finn Juhani Wahlsten at an IIHF Coaching Symposium in Europe. The description is on the pdf.

Juhani Wahlsten talks about using transition games to teach players 'how to play' and summarizes Yursinov's coaching experience.


Half Ice 1-1, 2-1, 3-2 - Add Dump In and then Regroups

DT400 - 2 on 1 Yursi-Juuso IIHF

DT400 - 3 on 2 Jursi-Juuso IIHF

DT100 - Full Ice Transition

DT100, 1 - 1 Passive Support D Join Rush and F Backcheck-Juuso, Jursi

DT100 - 1 on 2, 2 on 3, Regroup - Juuso, Yursi

DT100 - 3 on 2 with Passive Support - Juuso, Yursi

DT100 - 3 on 5 Neutral Zone to 5 on 5 Each End - Juuso-Yursi

Sample Description of a full ice transition game.

DT100 - 1-1 and 2-2 with Passive Support - Yursinov, Wahlsten IIHF

Key Points:

Attacker use changes of pace and deception to gain the offensive side while the defender stay on the defensive side with a tight gap.


A full ice transition game with the players lined up on both sides of the rink in the neutral zone. The forwards are at the blue lines and the defensemen near the red line.

1. Start 1 on 1, F1 vs. D1.
2. When D1 wins the puck make a quick pass to F2 waiting just inside the blue line.
3. F1 and D1 return to the line-up.
4. F2 attack vs. D2 in the other direction while F3 and D3 follow.
5. White F attack vs. Blue D and Blue F vs. White D.


*Add regroups or dump-ins to create different situations.


DT100 - 1-1 and 2-2 with Passive Support - Juuso-Jursi

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DT100 - 1-1 Passive Support D Join Rush and F Backcheck-Juuso, Jursi

Key Points:

D join the attack and the F must backcheck hard.


1. Start 1 on 1.
2. A forward and a defense give passive support from the line-up.
3. On a turn-over the original D join the rush and F backcheck making it a 2 on 2.


DT100, 1 - 1 Passive Support D Join Rush and F Backcheck-Juuso, Jursi

To point out how common transition games are at the higher levels and internationally I will paste links to teams using them from youth to pro.

Swedish youth


Finnish Olympic Team




Czech Dukla U20 (1-1 and 2-1 with active support variation.)

1-1 http://www.hockeycoachingabcs.com/mediagallery/media.php?f=0&sort=0&s=20100821121211421

2-1 http://www.hockeycoachingabcs.com/mediagallery/media.php?f=0&sort=0&s=20100821121443520

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DT100 - 3 on 2 with Passive Support - Juuso, Yursi – IIHF Symposium

Key Points:

Great way to practice 3-2 rush with F3 trailer or the Middle Drive. Defenders must decide where the 2-1 and 1-1 are.


1. Three F’s attack two D.
2. Three F from defending team and 2 D from attacking team follow the play and give passive support high in the zone.
3. On transition defenders pass to the forwards who attack 3-2 the other way.

*Coach can focus on the type of attack and creating a 2-1 on one defender or simply speed and doing a middle drive. An option to add is have one supporting forward play a 3-3 low with the original defenders.


DT100 - 3 on 2 with Passive Support - Juuso, Yursi

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DT100 Active and Passive Support 3-2 to 3-5, Juuso-Yursi IIHF Symposium

Key Points:

Continuous flow of 3-2 in the neutral zone to a 3-5 at each end. Defense must communicate who covers each attacker and attackers must go to the net hard before the backcheckers arrive.


1. Start with a full ice 3 Red F vs. 2 Blue D.
2. Extra players support from neutral zone.
3. One player is wearing a heart monitor and the reading is shown on the Jumbotrom. They show the reading at the end and the player has a heart rate of 182.
4. Two RD get support from 3 RF in line-up.
5. 3 on 5 in defensive zone.
6. Two Blue D wait in nzone.
7. Three RF who supported now attack the in the other direction vs. two Blue D.
8. Three Blue F support, continue flow.

*In the symposium handout it says that the 3 F backckeck and give support to the 2 D in the defensive zone after attacking but it isn't what they do in the video. You can do this but it is a different flow of attack-backcheck-defend-leave instead of support-defend-attack-leave.

Organization Note: In order to play a continuous 3-2 transition game you need at least 6 F and 4 D on each team. You can use the same flow from a 1-1 to 1-2 up to this 3-2 to 3-5. Whatever situation you decide to use you must have 4x more players. So this 3F on 2D requires 12 F and 8 F. It is also best to use only two colours and put half the F and half the D in each.


DT100 - 3 on 5 Neutral Zone to 5 on 5 Each End - Juuso-Yursi

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DT100 - 1-2, 2-3, Add Regroup - Juuso, Yursi - IIHF Symposium

Key Points:

Defenders must communicate and one play a 1-1 vs. the puck carrier. Create a defensive 2-1 vs. the puck carrier in each situation.


1. R1 attack 1 on 2 vs. B2-3.
2. R2-3 follow the play and wait in the nzone.
3. On a turn-over either B2 or B3 attack vs. R2 and R3
4. B3 and B4 follow and wait in the nzone to defend vs. either R2 or R3.
5. Continue this flow.
6. Add one attacker and one defender for a 2 on 3 situation.
7. Add a neutral zone regroup on the coaches whistle.


DT100 - 1 on 2, 2 on 3, Regroup - Juuso, Yursi

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DT100 - 3 on 5 Neutral Zone to 5 on 5 Each End - Juuso-Jursi

Key Points:

Attack 5-3 through the neutral zone and play 5-5 at each end.


1. RF1-2-3 and RD1-2 attack 5-3 vs. BF1 and BD1-2.
2. BF1-2 follow from the line-up in nzone and cover points making it a 5-5.
3. Five blue players attack 5-3 vs. RD3-4 through the neutral zone.
4. RF5-6 follow from the line-up in nzone and cover points making it a 5-5.
5. Original 5 red attackers return to the neutral zone line-up.
6. Continue this transition game with the 5 red defenders transitioning to attack 3 blue defenders in the neutral zone.


DT100 - 3 on 5 Neutral Zone to 5 on 5 Each End - Juuso-Yursi

The last minute is Juhani thanking Yursinov. IIHF conferences are done using English and Juuso speaks good English and 6 other languages. Yursi speaks Russian, German and Finnish. These two legends played against each other in Olympic and International competition and Yursi coached TPS Turku for seven seasons. Juuso has coached in Finland, Switzerland, Spain, etc. with a lot of success and lives in Turku where they spent a lot of time together talking hockey. Players like Saku Koivu, Sami Salo, Mikka Kiprusoff where in Juuso's hockey class when growing up in Turku. Yursinov has coached most of the Russian players who are now in the NHL.

Two of the best player developers in the world.

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DT400 Half-ice Transition Game of 1 on 1 - Yursinov/Wahlsten IIHF Symposium

Key Points:

Defender must maintain a tight gap and stay of the defensive side. Attacker use moves to beat the defender, fight for rebounds and loose pucks. On the dump ins the defender must read where the checker is coming from and the attacker create good checking angles.


1. Divide the team into two colours and opposite forwards and defense play against each other at both ends.
2. F1 attack vs. D1 after skating through the middle circle.
3. Fight for rebounds and loose pucks.
4. On transition pass to F2 at the top of the circle.
5.F2 skate through the middle circle and attack vs. D2.
6. Add a regroup with the forward circling back.
7. Add a neutral zone dump-in and the D and F fight for the loose puck.


Half Ice 1-1, 2-1, 3-2 - Add Dump In and then Regroups

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DT400 Half-ice Transition Game of 2 on 1 - Juuso-Jursi - Symposium

Key Points:

Defender must maintain a tight gap and stay of the defensive side. Attacker use moves to beat the defender, fight for rebounds and loose pucks. On the dump ins the defender must read where the checker is coming from and the attacker create good checking angles.


1. Divide the team into two colours and opposite forwards and defense play against each other at both ends.
2. F1 attack vs. D1 after skating through the middle circle.
3. Fight for rebounds and loose pucks.
4. On transition pass to F2 at the top of the circle.
5.F2 skate through the middle circle and attack vs. D2.
6. Add a regroup with the forward circling back.
7. Add a neutral zone dump-in and the D and F fight for the loose puck.


Half Ice 1-1, 2-1, 3-2 - Add Dump In and then Regroups

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DT400 Half-ice Transition Game of 3 on 2 – Yursinov-Wahlsten IIHF Symposium

Key Points:

Defender must maintain a tight gap and stay of the defensive side. Attacker use moves to beat the defender, fight for rebounds and loose pucks. On the dump ins the defender must read where the checker is coming from and the attacker create good checking angles.


1. Divide the team into two colours and opposite forwards and defense play against each other at both ends.
2. F1-2-3 attack vs. D1-2 after skating through the middle circle.
3. Fight for rebounds and loose pucks.
4. On transition pass to F4-5-6 at the top of the circle.
5. F4-5-6 skate through the middle circle and attack vs. D3-4.
6. Add a regroup with the forward circling back.
7. Add a neutral zone dump-in and the D and F fight for the loose puck.


Half Ice 1-1, 2-1, 3-2 - Add Dump In and then Regroups

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C3 - 5-3 Regroup x 2 - Turn Back - Attack 3-2 - Pro W

Key Points:

F's give a target and face the puck. D's hinge and drive skate with the puck. Create a 2-1 on offense. Fight for rebounds. D control sticks in the slot and deflect attack.


1. Two D start at each blue line.
2. F1's regroup with D1's.
3. F1's regroup with D2's.
4. F1's turn back before crossing the blue line.
5. F1's attack 3-2 vs. D1's.
6. D3's replace D1's.
7. Repeat with F2's regrouping with D2's.



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D100 Full Ice Game - Various Situations

Key Points:

Switch between all four game roles.

1-puck carrier.
2-puck support.
3-check puck carrier.
4-cover away from the puck.

Situations: offense, defense, loose puck.


1. Start with the players line up along the boards in the neurtal zone.
2. Play situations from 1-1 to 4-4, including uneven situations like 2 on 3.
3. Play for 30" and pass to teammate on the whistle.
4. On a goal defenders must touch the red line.
5. Keep score.

* Coach can add rules for tactics such as goals only on give and go plays, or focus on a skill i.e. specify certain kinds of passes.

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B2 - D Shoot - Pass from Coach - Pass to Point – TPS Pro

Key Points:

Defense skate along the blue line and shoot. If on the backhand skate forward and turn backward just before taking a slap shot. Hit the net.


1. Start with D1 skate with a puck between the dots and shoot.
2. D1 follow the shot then skate below the goal line.
3. Coach pass a new puck to D1.
4. D1 pivot and pass to D2 who repeats the shoot-get a pass-pass to point sequence.
5. Do from both sides.

*The demonstration is by the TPS Turku team in the Finnish elite league.



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B5 - Shots From 3 Lanes

Key Points:
This is a good warm-up drill for goalies and an effective way to practice taking a slap shot at full speed. Make sure you allow enough time between shooters for the goalie to prepare for the next shot.

Shoot before the top of the circle. Follow the shot a few strides for the good habit and then return to the line on the outside so you don't get hit with a shot.


1. Line up in three lanes.
2. Start with 1 pass to 2.
3. Allow 2 to cross the blue line and then 1 leave and get a pass from 3.
4. Wait for 1 to cross the blue line then 3 leave and get a cross ice pass from 4.
5. Repeat 5 to 4, 6 to 5, 7 cross ice to 6.
6. Restart sequence with the first pass 1 to 3.

* Diagram has this drill. Second drill is also good but different.

B - Shots From 3 Lines - with a Give and Go U18 F



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T2 - Breakout Practice Progression - TJ

I think former NHL defenseman Terry Johnson did such a great job developing a teaching sequence focused on the D making breakout reads and decisions that I put the posting together into a booklet. I have seen a huge improvement in my D creating space for themselves and making better decisions since TJ had them run through this sequence in a few practices. (TJ also coached a lot of university and minor hockey).

It isn't pro's but my U18 girls demonstrating with Terry creating pressure in each situation. Coaches at any level can use this progression.

T1-2 - Breakout Options – Wheel, Go, Counter - U18 F

T1-2 Breakout D to D 5-0 - TJ - U18 F

T1-2 Breakouts vs. Checker - TJ - U18 F

T1-2 D to D and Up - 2-0 - TJ

T1-2 Tight Turn-Quick up 2-0 -TJ - U18 F

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B2 - Point Shot-Screen - Point to Low then Across – Pro

Key Points:

The key is for D1 move between the dots and hit the net. On the second play D1 must freeze the defender with a fake shot and then pass down to F1. F2 must give a target and be strong on his stick to tap a hard pass in.


1. F1 pass to D1 at the point.
2. D1 drag and shoot while F2 screen and F1 go to the net for a tip or rebound.
3. F1 get a new puck and pass to D1.
4. D1 fake a shot and pass straight down to F1.
5. F1 skate at the net to become a threat and pass across to F2 who slides back to the far post.



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