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C3 - 2 on 1 Rush D Join - Defender Slide – Pro

Key Points:

Attack 2 on 1, ‘One high one low, one fast one slow.’ Offense make the first play early to allow a second play. Forehand passes are the most effective, even when on the off wing (Gretzky did this). Defense delay the play as long as possible to create bad shooting angles and backcheckers to get there. Defense slide outside the post if the attacker is deep. On the 3 on 1 don’t slide but stay in the middle, delay the play and jam the trailer if the attack is deep.


1. D wheel around the net from the corner and pass to F1 or F2 cutting across.
2. D join the attack.
3. Repeat the other way with RD2 passing to RF1-2
4. In this video example the D slides when the attack is deep. They are not passing to the D the first half of the video.
5. Last part of the video they can pass to the D so it is a 3-1 and the D stay on their feet and jam the trailer pass and deny the pass across.




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T2 B6 3-0 Middle Drive Attack Options – Pro

Key Points:
Go hard to the net without the puck with the stick ready for rebounds or deflections. Stop at the net. Shoot low to the far pad to create rebounds. Attack with speed. Read whether the defense gives you the ice behind or in front of you.

1. Line up in three rows at the goal like and start with a puck from one side.
2. Pass to the middle then the far wing.

Option 1
Pass middle-wide-shoot from the wing.

Option 2
Pass middle-wide-cross inside and pass wide and enter wide then shoot from the wing.

Option 3
Read the defense has backed in. Gain the zone then cross and drop. Wide wing to the far post and middle player trail.

Option 4
Cross and drop in neutral zone and then pass to the wide wing. Middle drive and shoot.




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F - B6 2-0 Disguised Skate - Pro

Key Points:

Skate at top speed on the rush and make at least 2 passes. Crash the net for a rebound. Backcheckers tie up sticks on loose pucks.


1. Players start from the corners.
2. Players 1 and 2 attack 2-0.
3. On the whistle players 3 and 4 attack 2-0 with a new puck.
4. Players 1 and 2 backcheck hard to the slot and cover one player each.
5. Coach should allow a second shot if there is a rebound before whistling.
6. Continue this flow and each group 'Keep Score' and see which two players score the most.



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T2-4 Team Play Practice Rotation - Minor Hockey

Key Points:

Practice various situations at each end. One vs. pressure and one no pressure. Switch roles when the puck goes to the no pressure end. Review any team concept. This works for minor hockey teams that have 15-17 skaters. With teams that have 8 D and 12 F you can have ten at each end.



1. Practice game situation at one end.
2. Shoot the puck down on a turn over or after a certain time.
3. Practice 5-0 for 60".
4. Shoot puck down to first group who have rotated.

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B6 2-0 x 2-Stretch-2-0 - Pro W

Key Points:

Give a target. Pass hard while skating. Shoot while skating from the front of the body. Crash the net for rebounds. Pursue the rebound for a second shot.


1. Player 1 and 2 leave from diagonal corners; player 1 start on the outside and 2 on the inside.
2. Player 1 pass to 2 and get a return pass.
3. Player 2 cross the blue line and cut across the middle and player 2 continue with the puck.
4. Both player 1's give a stretch pass to the opposite player 2 and head to the net.
5. Player 2 either shoot or pass to player 1 who shoots.
6. Both players crash the net for a rebound.
7. Play the rebound for a second shot.

*Option is to time the drill with a maximum time to score and have a competition.




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B600 - Regroup-3-0 Delay-Point Shot - Pro W

Key Points:

Skate hard and give a target. Pass and shoot while moving. D keep the head up when shooting. Do a tight turn on the delay.


1. Four D stand on the dots at each end and forwards on each side in the neutral zone.
2. F1 from each side regroup with the D at their end.
3. F2 from each side come down the boards to post up then join F1.
4. D1 pass to D2 at each end.
5. D2 pass to F1 in the middle lane and follow the attack to the point.
6. F1 pass to F2 who enters the zone wide while F1 goes to the net hard.
7. D1 at the opposite ends give passive resistance to F2.
8. F2 delay at the hash marks and pass to the point and go to the net.
9. D2 skate between the dots and shoot while F1 screens.
10. F1 and F2 play out the first rebound.

*Option One: Have a time limit for the drill and create a competition who can score the most and which goalies stop the most.
*Option Two: Instead of standing at the dots have the D skate to the top of the circles and chocktow turn back and then hinge before passing to F1.




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B600 - Regroup - 3-0, Delay-Low Cycle-Point Shot - Pro W

Key Points:

Skate hard and give a target. Pass and shoot while moving. D keep the head up when shooting. Do a tight turn on the delay.


1. Four D stand on the dots at each end and forwards on each side in the neutral zone.
2. F1 from each side regroup with the D at their end.
3. F2 from each side come down the boards to post up then join F1.
4. D1 pass to D2 at each end.
5. D2 pass to F1 in the middle lane and follow the attack to the point.
6. F1 pass to F2 who enters the zone wide while F1 goes to the net hard.
7. D1 at the opposite ends give passive resistance to F2.
8. F2 delay at the hash marks and pass low to F1 who cycles up and passes to D2 at the point.
9. D2 skate between the dots and shoot while F1 and F2 go to the net.
10. F1 and F2 play out the first rebound.


*Option One: Have a time limit for the drill and create a competition who can score the most and which goalies stop the most.

*Option Two: Instead of standing at the dots have the D skate to the top of the circles and chocktow turn back and then hinge before passing to F1.



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B6 Breakout 1-0 Point Shot - Pro

Key Points:

Quick feet, give a target, choctaw turn front to back, pass hard, shoot and follow the shot for a rebound, pass and follow the pass, screen, low point shot.


1. Defense skate forward from the blue line up to the red line and then chocktaw turn backward.
2. Forward leave from the corner and skate around the top the circle and below the other circle then hard up the ice.
3. D get a pass from a forward in the corner and quickly turn up ice and pass to the breaking forward.
4. Forward skate in and shoot and the D follow to the point.
5. Forward look for the rebound and then pick up a puck near the net and pass to the D.
6. D take a point shot and the F screen.
7. F and D stay at that end to go the other way.

*With a large group you could have two F and two D go and the D could hinge with each other and a D to D at the point. Another option would do the same drill from each end starting in diagonal corners.


*I have mentioned the Chocktaw turn. It is the most efficient way to turn from forward to backwards. Here is a link to instruction on how to do the Chocktow.


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C3 Low 2-2-Regroup-2-2 and 3-2 Pro W

Key Points:

Forwards use quick give and goes, protect the puck. D communicate, play the 2 on 2 man on man and the 3 on 2 with one 2-1 and one 1-1.


1. Start with 2 D on each blue line and the F's in the corners.
2. Both D go into the zone and defend a 2-2 vs. the forwards out of each corner.
3. Coach spot a puck for the 2 D in the neutral zone and the original forwards regroup with them.
4. Original D follow and defend the 2 on 2 attack.
5. The second set of D go to the other end and restart the sequence defending a 2 on 2 out of the corner.



*Make this drill more game like by having the D playing the low 2-2 or 3-2 pass to the 2 D waiting in the neutral zone if they break up the play. The coach only put in a new puck on a goal or if the goalie freezes the puck. Then start the regroup in the neutral zone.

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This is one of the best games to work on low 1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 3-2, 3-3, cycling, low zone coverage, point shots, screening, shot passes, etc. You can move the players as far up as the dots and back to the blue line. You can start with a small number and add players by doing a give and go with the point. 5 on 5 can be played by having each team with 2 jokers at the point who can be either passive or active defending vs. each other. It is a great game when you have only one goalie but you can rotate them when you have two.

DT400 3-3 Krusel Battling Game - Pro W

Key Points:

Battle for loose pucks, screen the goalie, shot passes, cycle, man on man, tie up sticks, tip, low zone play.


1. Line up with the face-off dots and 1 to 3 players race for a loose puck on the whistle.
2. Pass to the point to transition to offense.
3. Point player must shoot or pass withing 2 seconds.
4. If a point pass goes out the other pointman gets the puck.
5. Either leave the puck in the zone or pass to the coach on a whistle.



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G - 2-0 Walk-out or Pass-out Pro W

Key Points:

Walk-out or pass out from the goal line. Goalie must be aware of the shooter and the high player. Primary job is to stop the first shot in a balanced position so you can move to react to a rebound or for a one timer.


1. Start with one player at the top of the circle and one on the goal line.
2. The high player has the puck and passes low then heads to the net.
3. The low player may walk out and shoot or pass.
4. Only one pass is allowed in this drill.
5. Both players crash the net for a rebound.
6. Goalie stay square to the puck in a balanced position at all times.



Other goalie drills.

E1 Point Shots Rebound Control

Shoot from the point and have a player in front and at the long side looking for a rebound. Goalie control the puck away from players waiting for the rebound. Track puck always.


G - Goalie Training Method - Kazakstan Women

This video clip shows how they train goalies in former east Block Nations.


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T2-4 Low 3-2 Pro W

Key Points:

D must decide whether to pressure or contain, always from the defensive side. Forwards create space and time by skating and passing quickly while using give and goes and changing the point of attack in a triangle. D continually read where the most dangerous play is and have sticks on the puck and in the passing lanes.


1. This can be done at either one or both ends.
2. Start with the 3 F's passing the puck around the top of the circles and the 2 D in front of them.
3. A forward shoots and the 3 on 2 starts.
4. Give the attackers a time limit to score in order to create urgency.
5. Next line of forwards get in position for a breakout pass from the D.
6. A goal, time running out or a breakout ends the drill.



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B4-B6 - Continuous Pass and Shoot Pro W

Key Points:

Face the puck and give a target. Shoot while skating and accelerate in corners.


a. Start - 1 skate down the boards and shoot and follow the shot for a rebound.
b. 2 leave from corner then cross and drop to 1.
c. 1 carry the puck wide and pass back to 2.
d. 2 pass wide to 3.
e. 3 shoot and cross with 4.
f. After passing 1 go to corner, 2 to the centre circle.



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B6 - 2-0 – RB Pro

Key Points:

Face the puck at all times. Give a target. The player who enters the offensive zone take the shot.


A. Players start in the four corners.
B. 1 pass to 2.
C. 2 regroup with 3 at the other end.
D. 3 pass to 1 in the middle lane.
E. 1 and 2 shoot and rebound.
F. 3 and 4 follow and 4 pass to 3.
G. 3 regroup with 5.
H. Continue this flow end to end.



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C3 Regroup 2-2 or 3-2 - Pro

Key Points:

Attack with speed. On a 2 on 2 isolate one D and create a 2 on 1. Always face the puck and give a target.


1. Forwards leave from the hash marks and D from the far blue line.
2. F1 and F2 start with the puck and regroup with D1 or D2 in the neutral zone.
3. D1 and D2 hinge and then pass up to F1 or F2.
4. F1-2 turn back at their blue line and attack 2-2 vs D1 and D2.
5. D1 and D2 follow F1-2 and keep a close gap in the nzone.
6. Play out the rush until a goal, frozen puck or pass to D at the blue line.
7. Repeat the other way with F3-4 regrouping and attacking vs. D3-4 the other direction.
8. Add a forward and do the same drill 3 on 2.

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B600 Pass x 3 Stretch - Pro W

Key Points:

Pass and shoot while skating. Adjust the body and stick to take bad passes. Follow the shot for a rebound and stop at the net. Hit the net.


A. Players at the 4 blue lines.
B. Leave from diagonal corners and 1 give and go pass to 2.
C. 1 pass to 3.
D. 3 pass to the other 1 stretching at the far blue line.
E. Both 1's shoot.
F. Follow for a rebound and stop at the net.
G. Repeat with 4's passing to 3.
Options: rebound for next shooter. Pass to next shooter, screen and tip.



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D200 Tight 2 on 2 - Pro W

Key Points:

Make quick decisions and play with good habits. Face the puck, tight turns, stick on the ice, give and go, quick passes and shots, protect the puck, rebound, block shots.


1. Place one net on the goal line and the other at the top of the circle.
2. Players leave from the side.
3. Play situations 1-1 to 3-3 with 20-30" shifts.
4. Play the same puck on the whistle by either leaving it or passing to a teammate coming on.
5. Keep Score.

Options: Give and go to add new players, Jokers behind offensive, defensive or both nets, Jokers on the side, passing rules such as goals must be on give and goes, etc.




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DT200 Active Jokers - Side and Ends - U18 G

Key Points:
Quick passes and shots are needed. Face the puck in an athletic ready position. Protect the puck.
I did this game last night and it worked really well. We kept score and the losing team did a push-up for every goal they lost by. I like it because the players are ALL active and it requires quick thinking and quick action. We had 16 skaters and two goalies so 4 played on each team and 4 were Jokers. Each team had one Joker behind each net and one on each side.

1. Half of each colour play and half are jokers.
2. Each team have a joker behind the net and on each side.
3. Jokers can shoot or pass but not join the play.
4. Jokers can check jokers.
5. Switch every 30" and use the same puck.
6. To transition to offense the team must pass to a Joker.

DT200 - 3 on 3 with 3 Jokers - U18 F

Option: Switch Jokers and Players of the team that is scored on.

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D1 Full Ice All Play - College WF

Key Points:
Everyone plays shinny style.

1. All play at the same time.
2. Use a puck or multiple pucks, ball or balls.
3. When the goalie freezes the puck the attackers back up behind the hash marks.
4. When a team scores they must touch the red line before checking.

D1 - Shinny at Wildwood - College W

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D9 - Multi-Net Game - Youth

Key Points:
Those coaches who come to the site a lot know that I coach a school skills class twice a week. They have one hour of ice time and we do skills the first half and games for skill, creativity and game sense the second half. This year I have about a dozen kid's ages 11-14. There are 3 girl's who play ringuette and three beginner boy's who don't play on teams. The other 6 boy's are pretty good. Two play AA with one leading the league in scoring, another is a little smaller but really good and plays a level below and the other 3 boy's are better than average.

I usually bring out 4 small nets and there are two big ones on the ice. Today's game were 3 equal ability players at each small net, The nets were along the side boards at alternate side and line up with the hash, blue line, other blue line and hash. They played 1-1 with one resting at the far boards. Play offense, defense, pass to the resting player who goes onto offense vs. the player who played defense and the original defender rest. I then moved the nets across from each other and they played 3 on 3 with the two weakest groups and two strongest groups. We finished with the game below using the 4 small and two big nets (layed face down and players have to hit the top mesh only to score.) Start with two at each net and rule that each has to score before scoring again.

Implement any rule modification like types or number of passes, how many goals one player can score, etc.


1. Place nets around the rink and allow space for players to skate behind.
2. Divide the players up into equal teams at each net.
3. Use one puck or if multiple pucks leave them in the net after a goal.
4. Keep score.
5. Players defend their own net and can score on all other nets.

*If the skill level is uneven rule is all must score before you can score again.

D9 - 4 Teams x 4 Nets – SAG Variation

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C3 Double Regroup 2-1 - Pro

Key Points:

Give a target for the passes, face the puck, pass while skating, make the first pass early on the 2-1, D co-operate with the goalie to make it a 2-2 and don't allow a second play late. D slide outside the post if a pass across is the only play.


1. Players line up along the boards on both sides in the neutral zone.
2. Start with F1 and F2 one touch passing with D1.
3. F's skate through the neutral zone and regroup with D2.
4. F's attack 2 on 1 vs. D1.
5. F3 and F4 repeat by one touch passing with D2 and regrouping with D3.

*If there are at least 8 D you could use this sequence and have two 1 on 1's at the same time in opposite directions.




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T2-4 - C3 - 5 on 2 Breakout-Turn-over, Regroup 5 on 2 – Pro

Key Points:

Simulate turn-overs and neutral zone regroup. Attack and regroup with speed. Always face the puck, give a target and continue moving.


1. Coach shoot the puck in.
2. Break-out 5-2.
3. Simulate turn-over and pass to a defender.
4. Simulate another turn-over and defender pass to an offensive D.
5. Attackers regroup in the neutral zone.
6. Attack 5-2.
7. Repeat with D3-D4 breaking out with 3 new forwards.

*Add intensity by giving 10" for the attacking 5 players to score.



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D202 - 3 on 3 with 2 Defensive Jokers - Pro W

Key Points:

SAG that requires quick decisions. Play in an athletic position, give a target, get open, move with the puck, shoot, rebound.


1. Nets are on the blue lines facing each other.
2. Two Jokers are behind their own goal.
3. Regroup with a Joker to go onto offense.
4. Jokers can pass or shoot.
5. Play from 1-1 to 5-5 even and odd number situations.



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I have been to many International Coaching Symposiums and at most they have coaches contribute drills under certain topic headings and then they puck a booklet together with the ones they consider the best. I came across the booklets from two of the conferences and put the drills together in a pdf. Coaches from all over the hockey world come to these conferences, so the drills are from many places and levels of coaching.

The topic of the first PDF of drills is Puck Control.

The second PDF has many Shooting Drills

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The first PDF has many Goaltending Drills

The second PDF has drills for Offensive Attack

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First I would like to thank Peter for his $50 donation and George for his order for a book and thumb drive.

Today's drills are for One on One's and Gap Control.

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T3 - B5 - Neutral zone Angling - Pro

Key Points:

Mirror the attacker from behind. Keep the attacker on the outside, approach toward the inside shoulder with the stick on the puck, shoulder in front and body on body.


1. Line up in the neutral zone with a defender following an offensive player with the puck.
2. Offensive player make moves and dekes and then turn either way to attack.
3. Defender mirror the offensive player and turn staying on the inside.
4. Defender close the gap by approaching from about a half stick behind at the inside shoulder.
5. Defender keep the stick on the puck and body on body to angle the attacker and take the puck.



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T - Pro Practice One

This is a video with clips of the drills last Thursday at their practice. The players do some neat things at the end. Something I have never seen before is about 10 players broke into two groups and moved around the ice, mostly near the boards and played a keep-away game.



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T - Babcock Practice Two

This is a good practice with lots of work on the details of offense and defense. A really good job by the coaches.



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Pro One Goalie Practice

This practice had the young players and fourth line players and they focused on details of being an efficient player offensively and covering closer in the dzone. Some good ideas for half ice practices.


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