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B6 3-0 Weave-Regroup at Far End – Pro

Key Points:
Principles: Pass while skating and then follow the pass and take the ice behind the puck carrier.. Fill the 3 lanes. Skate to the “big ice” between the dots when you get the puck. Pass to the outside lane, skate to the inside lane.

A. 1 pass to 2 and follow the pass.
B. 2 skate to the big ice, pass to 3, follow the pass taking the ice behind.
C. 3 pass back to one, follow the pass.
D. 1 regroup with 4 and 1-2-3 fill each lane.
E. 4 pass to 1 or 3 on the strong side.
F. 1-2-3 weave the same way and attack with a triangle and shoot at the oringinal end.
G. 4-5-6 follow and repeat the other way.



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E1 2-0 Change on Go Shootout - U18 F

Key Points:
The main goal of this shootout is for the goalies to battle and never give up on shots. It is more realistic if only one pass per shot is allowed but if the goal is for the goalie to battle put no restrictions on the shooters.


1. Half the team in each box and as many pucks on the blue line as the number of the largest team.
2. Two players leave from the box, get a puck from the blue line and shoot until they score.
3. After scoring race back and touch the player box gate so the next two can leave.
4. First team to score all the pucks wins.
5. Losers do a chore or exercise.


E1 2-0 Change on Go Shootout

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D5 Keepaway Contests to Practice Skills and Good Habits - College W

Key Points:
All 4 Game playing roles are practiced. Have rules like, only forehand passes, only backhand, an escape move before passing, 3 hard strides, one touch, 2 " only, all skate backward, hold the stick with only one hand, saucer passes. 5 or 7 passes = 1 point.

1. Groups have an area of the rink or else one group at at time has so many seconds to make as many passes as possible.
2.Good activity to warm up with if the goalies are working with a coach.
3. Use rules that include skating, passing skills, puck handling skills such as pivots.
4. Practice good habits like taking 3 hard strides when you get the puck or pass and get open.
5. Keep score and switch opponents. I point for every 5-7 passes.

Video Examples with various groups and skills being worked on.




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D200 - Jokers Each Side - U18 F

Key Points:
Practice the 4 Game Playing Roles.
1 - Player with the puck.
2 - Player supporting the puck carrier.
3 - Player checking the puck carrier.
4 - Player covering away from the puck.

1. Play from 1-1 to 5-5.
2. Passes to the jokers on the side are allowed.
3. Jokers may pass or shoot.
4. Pass to a Joker on the whistle.
5. New players skate behind their net on a change.
6. Variations:
a. Send out uneven teams.
b. Give and go with a Joker who can join the game to either even the teams or add up to a designated number of players.
7. Keep score and use short shifts.



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The head coach is Petr Svoboda who played part of a season for Tonronto until he had to quit because of health problems. He was the only English speaking coach in Jihlava, Czech Republic when I did a camp there. They offered me a job to be coach mentor and work as asst. coach with Petr on the U20 team. He is now certified coach able to coach pro or any other level in the Czech Republic. When I did the camp I would go over everything with Petr and then he would explain it to the coaches and players in Czech.
Good guy.

C3 - Continuous Backcheck 3-3 - Czech U17

Key Points:
Attack with speed. Defenseman communicate who the forwards should cover. Quickly change from offense to defense. Tie up sticks in the slot. D join the rush.

1. Start with BF1, BF2, BD1 in defensive position.
2. RD1 skate between dots to the big us and pass to RF1 or RF2 and follow the attack.
3. Blue players F1-F2-D1 defend the 3-3 rush.
4. Coach whistle when rush finished.
5. D2 start a new attack the other way while original attacker Red F1-F2-D1 defend.
6. Continue this 3-3 flow end to end.

** This flow can be continued in a one puck transition game with no whistles starting with passive then active support.



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I spent many hours putting a posting together about using games to teach the game. I am always adding ideas but here is the link to many-many game ideas.


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This is very similar to the previous drill but it is a transition game which uses only one puck and the flow continues without whistles. This requires the teams to play the low 3-3 and the defenders to make a breakout pass. It also frees the coach to talk with the players instead of being like a traffic cop blowing whistles. Players also are more engaged and have to make decisions.
Transition games are NOT used by very many coaches but are the next advancement in running more effective and efficient practices.

DT100 Continuous 2-1 to 3-3 Passive Support - U18 F

Key Points:
New players give passive support above the circles but can take the puck if it is loose or the offense cycles too high, just like a F covering the point would. The key for the offense is to quickly attack and the defenders to communicate on coverage.

1. Players line up in the neutral zone with D on one side and F on the other.
2. Begin with a 3-3. Two RF and one RD attack vs. opposition two BF one BD.
3. Defending team has two BF follow and support from the top of the circles.
4. Attacking team have one RD support from the blue line.
5. On a frozen puck, goal or take away the defenders pass to one of the BF above the circles.
6. Attack 2-1 vs. the R defenseman.
7. Original two RF backcheck and original BD join the 2 F on the attack.
8. Original two RF return to the line-up.
9. Play 3-3 in the zone.
10. Two new RF from defending team and one BD from attacking team give passive support after the puck enters the offensive zone.
11. Continue this flow.



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B500 - Partner Wrist Passes - Czech U17

Key Points:
Technique practice. Stick is square to the puck, hands relaxed. Make good hard and flat passes. The puck rotates toward the end of the blade.

1. Partners work on passing in various areas of the ice.
2. Use wrist passes.
3. Load and fire: wind up, produce force, release, follow through at the target.
4. Forehand, backhand and saucer passing technique can be practiced in the same way.
If you expect good performance in games then you must pay attention to technique details.
*Goalies warm up with crease skating.


B500 - Partner Wrist Passes - Czech U17

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When teaching team play sometimes the coach has the opposition D pass all the way to the other D in order to simulate a turn over, so the players go from thinking forecheck to getting back to support a regroup. The Finn Jalonen did the same thing off a low zone face-off in another drill to simulate a turnover where the players had to get onside and regroup in the neutral zone before attacking.
C300 - Breakout, Double Regroup 5-2 Back Hard - Pro

Key Points:
Do everything at full speed. Get to the big ice and pass wide. Face the puck always and give a target. D must read where the forecheck pressure comes from. Attack with 4 in the scoring area.

1. Extra players wait on the bench.
2. Dump the puck in and either two coaches or extra players forecheck.
3. Blue D go breakout with Blue Forwards then forecheckers leave.
4. Blue forwards pass to Red D in the neutral zone.
5. Red D regroup and pass to the Blue D.
6. Blue D hinge and regroup with the Blue Forwards.
7. Blues attack 5-2 vs. Red D with one D joining the rush.
8. Race back to the middle circle on the whistle.



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B202 - Regroup 1-0, 2-0 Pass Options – Pro

Key Points:
Give a target and face the puck. Pass hard and lead the player so he doesn’t have to slow down. Shoot and rebound and either screen or rebound for the next shooter. Stay onside on the 2-0.

1. Players face each other across the neutral zone lined up with the dots.
2. Start with R1 passing ahead to B2 who passes over to B3. This pattern happens with B1 to R2 to R3 at the same time.
A. B3 make a cross ice pass to R1 who faces the play on the far wing and goes in for a shot.
B. R3 pass to B1 who mirrors the puck from the middle lane and goes wide for a shot.
C. R3 pass to R1 who mirrors the puck from the middle lane - attack wide. R2 join attack after passing across.


B202 - Regroup 1-0, 2-0 Pass Options - Pro

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B6 Defense Shooting Options - U18F

Key Points:
Move into a shooting lane and keep the eyes up so you know where the defenders are. Miss the defender coming to the block.

a. 1 pass to 2 and 2 pass back to 1.
b. 1 pass to 3 and 3 pass back to 1.
c. 1 pivot and pass back to 3.
f. 3 skate to mid point and shoot and 1 screen.
h. Rotate 1 go to point and 3 leave, 2 move to shooting point and repeat sequence with 4 passing to 1.

Sequence of Shots:
1. Shoot to score.
2. Shoot for a rebound.
3. Shot pass.
4. Shoot wide for a rebound off the boards.



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B500 One Timers, Shots and Breakaways - Czech U17

Key Points:
Practice individual skills with the thought that someone is checking you. Add dekes, feints and moves before taking a shot or making a pass.

1. Breakaways from the top of the circle.
2. Point shots with movement.
3. One-timers with fakes before passing.
4. Shots from the slot but skate and make fakes before taking the shot.


B500 One Timers and Breakaways - Czech U17


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Lately I have been working on putting the site into a consistent format and making sure the pdf's have diagrams and video links and the videos are in the proper place and have diagrams and descriptions in the Daily Drill section. These skating videos are excellent and have been mentioned before but I want to put them together. They are an excellent resource for both beginner and advanced skating.
A - Skating Programs from Finland and Minnesota

This is a four part series of skating instruction from Finland. It is an excellent resource.

A2 - Hockey Skating from Finland 1

A2 - Skating Skills from Finland 2

A2 - Skating from Finland 3

A2 - Skating Skills from Finland 4

A2 - Skating Balance and Agility from Finland

A300 - Finnish Skating Skills

Another great resource for teaching skating was done by Minnesota Hockey. It is a 30 minute video of how to teach skating technique.

A3 - Skating from Minnesota


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DT100 Continuous 1-1, D Join Attack - U18 F

Key Points:
The defender make a pass and jump into the play right away. The new defender has to realize that it is a late developing 2-1 and the attackers must make a play early before the defenders get support.

a. Start with #2 attacking vs #1.
b. #3 support on defense and #4 support the attack.
c. After a goal or a defensive breakout #3 attack vs #4.
d. The original defender #1 join the attack (#2 return to the lineup when the puck crosses the blue line.) This creates a 2-1 in the neutral zone.
e. #5 and 6 join the play after the attack crosses the blue line and actively play a 3-2. #6 play the offensive point position.
f. After a goal or breakout continue the flow with 5 vs 6 and 4 joining the rush.

You can run this game with all players playing F and D or if you have D joining the F could line up on one side and the D on the other side in the nzone.

Starting with a 2-1 and two players supporting the D and one the attack would make a 3-3 on the original attack and a 3-1 in the nzone and a 4-3 in the offensive zone.

Starting with a 2-2 attack and the offense getting support from 2 D and the defense from 2 F it would make a 4-4 on the original attack. One D joining the rush makes a 3-2 in the nzone and a 5-4 at each end. (D stay up on the attack)



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DT100 - 2 on 2 Backchecking Game - Nzone Regroup - U18 F

Key Points:
Supporting players play like wingers at the top of the circles. Give targets, face the puck and make all plays while skating. Create a 2-1 vs. the widest defender.

1. R1-R2 attack vs. B1-B2.
2. B3-B4 support at the top of the circles.
3. Goal, frozen puck or transition B1- or B2 pas to either B3 or B4.
4. B3 and B4 skate over the red line and then regroup with either B1 or B2.
5. B1-B2 hinge and pass to B3 or B4.
6. R3-R4 attack vs R1-R2.
7. Continue this flow with R3 and R4 supporting at the top of the circles.


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Mike Johnston on using Games to Teach the Game

MIke Johnston a former university, major junior head coach and NHL asst. coach does a great job in an on ice demonstration of using games to teach the game. It was at a coach seminar in Vienna. I coached one season with Mike as assistants at the U of Calgary and we were both head coaches in a men's college hockey league before that.


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This is such an important exercise to learn how to separate the movement of the upper and lower body as well as incorporate head and shoulder fakes. Most North Americans generally are very stiff in the upper body. Two IIHF Hall of Fame coaches, Juhani Wahlsten of Finland and Vladimir Yursinov of Russia were running the hockey school in Finland in this video. They had Yashin, who had just been the NHL player of the year demonstrating the exercises. Later in the video Finnish coaches lead young players.
If you are going to add anything from this site to your practices these exercises should be done all of the time in all levels. When I was coaching in Austria Yursinov came one week per month and led the pro's in these exercises during the morning skill sessions. There are videos on this site with showing leading some of the practices.

A200 Big Moves _ Russian Warm-up

Key Points:
Increase the size of the moves by reaching as far as possible with the puck. Separate the movement of the upper and lower body by skating away from the puck. Players must be able to handle the puck under control around and through their body.

- Skate away from the puck. Skate right reach left and skate left and reach right. - Reach as far forward and back as you can using the top hand.
-Put the puck from the stick to inside and outside edges back to the stick.
-Move puck from behind to front through skate forehand and backhand.
-Escape moves backward with the puck and tight turns each way.
-Fake a shot and go left then right. Spin on backhand.
-Touch each knee while skating. - Yo-yo the puck give it and take it away. - Toe drag fake inside and pull the puck back while sliding back. - Bring the puck from behind to in front through the skates on forehand. - Bring the puck from behind to in front through the skates on backhand. - Skate fake inside and go outside.


A200 - Puck Handling Big Moves Exercises – Finland

A200 - Puck Handling Sequence - Russian Olympic Coach – Jursinov

A200 - Skating and Puck Handling - Yashin and Finnish HS

A200 - Big Moves Led by 3 Players – Jasper Camp

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DT100 - 1-1 - 2-2 - 3-3 with Turn-back - U18 F

Key Points:
Attack with speed and create a gap by turning back and then up. Defenders must mirror the attackers to maintain a tight gap. Only use the 1-1 to teach the technique and the flow and then move to larger numbers to achieve a good work/rest ratio. 1-1 could be done on both sides and ten full ice for a 2-2 and up.

1. R1-R2 attack vs. B1-B2.
2. R3-R4 support when the puck crosses the red line.
3. R1-R2 cut back before crossing the blue line and B1-B2 keep a tight gap.
4. R3-R4 can shoot or pass within 1" but not go in deep. R1-R2 play low 2-2.
5. On transition B1-B2 attack R3-R4 and repeat sequence.
6. B3-B4 support from the line-up.

A. R1-R2 regroup with R3-R4.
B. Vary the situations with between 1 and 3 players supporting from the line-up.



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A200 - Agility Skate - Pass - Shoot - U18F

Key Points:
First player skate at full speed with the puck. Pass hard and give a target for the return pass. Hit the net and follow the shot for a rebound. Keep the head up all of the time. Players leave on their own when the player in front crosses the far blue line.

1. Leave with a puck from diagonal corners.
2. Transition skate hard around the face-off dot back to the blue line and up to the red line.
3. Stop at the red line.
4. Around the bottom of the circle while facing the far end.
5. Pass to 2 on the goal line and get a return pass.
6. Shoot.
7. Follow the shot for a rebound.
8. Skate to the goal line to give and go with the next attacker.




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D100 - Scrimmage Full Ice – Alternate Ends - U18 F

Key Points:
Take short shifts and play with good habits. Move the puck to players in better position than you. On defense play tight gaps and everyone cover an attacker.

1. Play 3 on 3 with the extra players on the bench.
2. Scoring team get the puck right away and attack the other net. Defenders must rush back to the red line before they can check the players.
3. Keep score and play games to 3 and situations like of 2 out of 3 series.
4. If you have at least 16 players play some 4-4 or with at least 20 skaters 5-5 as long as the pace of the game is intense.




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T3 - Defensive Skills - Playing Without the Puck - Sweden

This is a link to a Swedish presentation on playing Role 3 and 4 situations. Defensive 1 on 1's. Either covering the player with the puck or the player away from the puck. There are good game examples and I will add an attachment with drills to practice the situations.


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DT100 - Read-Act to Situation 1-1 to 3-3 - U18 F

This is a transition game my asst. coach Sean Kibyuk ran that requires decision making by the players and is a great example of how transition games can be used to teach the game and free the Coach to coach.

Key Points:
Transition game where the players must read the ever changing situations and act to make them even. Transition happens on a turnover, a goal or the goalie freezes the puck. The closest player support to create an even situation.

A. B1-2-3 attack R1-2-3.
B. R5-6 support the attack and B4 the defenders.
C. On transition B4 attack R4-5 and B1-2-or 3 support the attack making it 2-2.
D. Blue Coach sends B5 to support the attack.
E. Red Coach sends R6-7 to support defense.
F. On transition R6-7 attack B5 and B1 or B2 read the outnumber situation and backcheck to make it a 2 on 2.
G. Coaches continue to randomly send 1 to 3 players to support.
H. Players read the situation and support to make it a 1-1, 2-2 or 3-3 attack.




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D200 - 3-3 - 3-2-1 Pucks - U18 F

This is another game where players must read the ever changing situation. I posted a similar game before but the video wasn't very good and now we line up across the blue line and start by skating behind the net.

Key Points:
-Players can only shoot when the goalie is ready.
-No empty net goals.
-Situation continually changes as goals are scored and players have to read odd and even man numbers.

1. Players line up outside the blue lines.
2. Coach shoots in 3 pucks.
3. Players race for pucks and battle to score and defend.
4. Leave puck in the net after a goal and play with 2 pucks then 1 puck.
5. Pass pucks remaining to teammates on whistle.
4. Hustle out of the zone on the whistle and play 20-30 seconds only.
6. Count the pucks in the net after to determine the winning team.

* Option is to pass to teammates on the blue line. Another option is to skate behind the nets to start.




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D200 - 2-2 - Shoot Either Net – U18F - Russian U18 F

I have posted the pro's doing a similar game but we added some rules like skate behind the net and passes to jokers, as well as pass to teammate on the whistle.

Key Points:
Quick reading the rush and change the point of attack. Need quick feet and quick thinking. Get defenders to commit then change direction. No reaching penalties.

1. Two teams on blue line with one at each half.
2. Extra players along the blue line are jokers and they can pass or shoot.
3. Play with only one puck in the playing area.
4. Players can score at either end.
5. Pass to teammate on the whistle.
6. Players skate behind their own net on the whistle.
7. Keep score and leave the pucks in the net after a goal. Coach shoot in a new puck.

* Alternative is to play from 1-1 to 5-5 with the same rule that you can score on either net.




D200 2-2 Shoot Either Net-Pro

D200 - Shoot Either Net RG Coach - Russian U18 F

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This is a great drill/game that my assistant coach Sean ran at practice. (any High School College or Jr. team looking for an up and coming 30 year old Fireman coach - Sean is your man.) I did the video with the movie maker so it has descriptions.

D400 Random Reading Game Playing Roles - U18 F

Key Points:
Players must read their game playing role from: 1 - carry the puck, 2 – support on offense, 3 – closest player check the puck carrier, 4 – cover players away from the puck. Always see the puck and the player they are covering.


Situation One
1. Players are first divided into teams and one passes in the neutral zone while the other defends from inside the blue line.
2. One player attacks from the neutral zone on each coaches whistle vs. one defender. (Shoot original puck out of the zone.)
3. Each whistle produces progressively increasing situations as players stay in the zone with attackers trying to score and defenders playing man to man defense.

Situation Two
1. This progresses to half of each team in neutral zone and defending zone.
2. In the neutral zone they play keep-away and whomever has the puck when the whistle blows attacks and the opposite team must recognize they are on defense and a new defender plays the 1-1 while the players already in the zone adjust to either offensive or defensive roles.
3. Continue attacking from the neutral zone until everyone is has attacked.
4. Keep score.



D400 Random Reading Game Playing Roles - U18 F

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DT100 - 2-2 with Regroup - U18 F - Pro

Key Points:
This transition game has active support from offensive jokers at the point and then the original defenders follow the attack and there is a regroup in the neutral zone before crossing the offensive blue line. Progress to the attacking team regroup with the original defenders on a whistle. Supporting point men stay at the point and only get the puck for one second before passing or shooting. they defend the breakout. Coach may or may not whistle.
If there is a turnover the defenders attack the other way vs. the two attackers.

1. Blue 1-2 attack vs. Red 1-2.
2. Blue 3-4 support the attack as active jokers at the point.
3. Jokers can shoot or pass but not go in deep.
4. On transition Red 1-2 attack vs. Blue 3-4 and Blue and Red 3-4 follow attack.
5. Red 1-2 regroup with Red 3-4.
6. Continue the rush R1-2 vs. B3-4.
7. R3-4 support as Jokers at the point.
8. Continue this sequence with Blue 5-6 supporting and regrouping with the next rush.




Pro's regroup on a whistle.

DT100 Continuous 2-2 with Regroup - Pro B

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DT400 - Multiple Situations in Small and Smaller Area - U18 G

Key Points:
This SAG goal is to practice READING Game Situations by constantly changing the situation from 1-3 on offense or defense at once. Set one net up on the goal line below the face-off dot facing up ice and the other net facing the corner just inside the circle. The game is continuous and thecoach shoot in a new puck on a goal.

A. Blue 1 and 2 attack Red 1 and 2 in the corner and Blue 3 and 4 attack Red 3 and 4 from the red line.
B. Coach whistles and Red 1 and 2 carry the puck out to the red line and attack the other net vs. Blue 3 and 4.
C. Coach shoots in a new puck and Red 5 and 6 attack vs. Blue 1 and 2 in the corner. Red 3 and 4 return to the line.

*Option: Vary the number of players from 1 to 3 and switch up who starts on offense half way through the game. 1-1, 2-2, 1-2, 2-2, 1-3, 2-3, 3-3, 3-2, 3-1




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T4 - 5-2 Forecheck and Regroup - Czech U17

Key Points:
Teaching method for instructing the forecheck so all the players understand. This can be used to teach any forecheck.

1. Two defenders are at the top fo the circle and five attackers in the neutral zone.
2. Start with 2 D who skate forward to the blue line and then backward.
3. The coach dumps the puck in and 5 players forecheck vs. the 2 D and two coaches who are outlets along the boards.
4. When the D pass to a coach, or on a goal the puck is dumped down to the far blue line where the attackers regroup and attack 5-2.
5. Play until the attack is finished.

* Rotate so all the lines and D pairs practice.





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T2 - B5 Breakout 5-0 Attack 3-2 - Kazakhstan W

Key Points:
On the breakout either the player or the puck moves right away. Face the puck and give a target.

1. Line up at far blue line.
2. Coach pass to D who go D to D and back to coach who shoots puck in.
3. Five players break out.
4. Turn back at the red line and the three F attack the two D 3 on 2.
5. Play out the 3-3 until the whistle.
6. Next group repeat.




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This drill is run by a Slovakian coach with the second division pro team. There aren't many players on the ice. It was targeted for the goalies.
G-C3 - Goalie Passing-Regroup -1 on 1 - RB Pro 2

Key Points:
Face the puck at all times and give a target. Forward shoot so the goalie can catch it and then make a pass.

1. D1 pass to the F who regroups with D2.
2. D2 pass to F who skates over the blue line and shoots so the goalie can catch the puck.
3. Goalie pass to D1.
4. D1 pass to F and follow the attack.
5. F attack vs. D2.
6. If D2 breaks up the rush then attack vs. D1.
7. Blue group repeat on the other side in the opposite direction when the attack is finished.

*With a large group this could be done from both sides at once and with 2 F's.




'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3560
Location: Calgary, Canada
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