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C3 - 2 on 1 with 2 Backcheckers - 3-3 - Sw

Key Points:
Attack with speed and make the first play early. Back checkers and defenseman communicate and cover one player each on the rush and in the defensive zone.

1. Blue F1 and F2 attack vs. Red D1 from the corner.
2. Red F1 and F2 wait at the blue line and attack vs. Blue D1 with a new puck on the coaches whistle.
3. Red D1 join the attack and Blue F1 and F2 back check.
4. Play 3 on 3 with Red attacking and Blue defending.

*This drill could progress to a one puck transition game by having Red D1 pass to the red forwards who could give passive support from the high slot. It could continue with 2 new attackers and one defender supporting after each rush.


C3 - 2 on 1 with 2 Backcheckers – Sw

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C3 - 2 on 1 - Walkout-Point Shot – Sw

Key Points:
Pass hard and screen the goalie. On the 2-1 the first pass should be made near the blue line to force the defender to make a decision and allow a second play. Defender stay in the middle and decide who the most dangerous attacker is. Deny a breakaway and pass across remembering it is a 2-2 with the goalie.

1. F1 give and go with D1 then walk in and shoot.
2. F2 pass to D1 at the point who drags to the slot and shoots while F1 screens the goalie.
3. F2 pass to D1 who taps puck to F1 and then F1 and F2 attack 2-1 vs. D1.
4. Next group repeat.


C3 - 2 on 1 -Walkout-Point Shot – Sw

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C6 – 2 on 1 with Backchecker – 2-2 - Sw

Key Point:
Attack with speed and make the first pass early when entering the offensive zone. Defender stay in the middle and tell the back checker who to cover.

1. Attacker 1 and 2 start from the hash marks 1 on the boards and 2 in the middle.
2. Defender 1 start on the blue line and 2 on goal line to backcheck.
3. Defender 2 pass to attacker 1.
4. Attackers 1 and 2 skate vs defender 1 while defender 2 backchecks.
5. Attackers try to maintain the 2-1 and score while defenders try to create a 2-2.


C6 - 2-1 Rush with Backchecker – SW

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Observations of International Hockey

I am working with younger players this spring; so I am going to focus on the individual skills from the Swedish site to see if there are any new ideas there from our Scandanavian friends. The Swedes have great individual technique.

I took my college women's team to Stockholm and played some games about 5 years ago. Verner Persson, Kjell Larsen, Hans Lindberg were three of the coaches who George Kingston brought here to give two week coaching courses in the 80;s. They were all very good. When I was at the World Youth conference in Heidelberg, Germany two years ago the Swedes had a bus load of over 50 youth coaches in attendance. They really focused on improving the coaching for youth hockey.

Three springs ago the Swedish Women's Olympic Team came here to train. I watched a lot of their practices and since I know a few of the coaches I invited the staff to my house and we had a barbecue before they left for some exhibition games. There were two Swedish coaches on the Red Bull staff when I was working with them in Salzburg, Austria the 08-09 season.

So I have had quite a lot of exposure to the Swedish view of how to coach and how to play the game and have always been impressed by how thoroughly they prepare.

The Swedes, Finns, Czechs and other hockey countries have to be very good at developing players. Canada and the USA have over a half million players each. We can afford to waste players and have poor development programs because of the power of numbers. Erkka Westerlund, who was the head of Finnish Hockey, told me, 'we don't have that many players, so we can't cut a player at 12 because he is small, we have to develop everyone and give them good technique.

When I was in the Czech Republic two years ago Slavamir Lener, the head of their hockey, told me that when it was Czechoslovakia they had 82 000 players and now the two countries combined have only 32 000 players. I was offered a coaching position in Jihlava last season to be the assistant to the only english speaking coach of the U20 team (former NHL player) and coach mentor for the other coaches in the club. (they liked what I did at the hockey school and mentoring the U20 coach). They didn't get the grant from the city to pay the contract; so it didn't happen.

So it is very worthwhile to pay attention to what the other countries are doing to develop players. By the numbers they shouldn't be able to compete with Canada and the USA but last year the Finns won the IIHF worlds and the Swedes won the World U20.
They are having a coaching symposium in Stockholm during the IIHF World's but it looks like it is directed at Swedish coaches. It is posted on the same website as the drills.

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A500 - Keepaway Inside Circle - SW

Key Points:
Protect the puck by shielding it with the body. Use head and shoulder fakes and escape moves.

- Alternative A - 3 to 6 players are inside a circle with one puck each.
- On the whistle they play keepaway with their puck and try to knock the other players pucks out of the circle.
- Last player in the circle wins.
- Alternative B is to stay in the circle and steal other players pucks when you lose your puck and the player with the last puck wins.


A500 - Keepaway Inside Circle – Sw

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A500 - Puck Protection - Sw

Key Points:
Protect the puck by shielding it with the body and using fakes and cutbacks. Absorb checks by putting the hands up on the glass while holding the stick with two hands. Defensive player should always have the stick on the puck.

1. One offensive player and one defensive player.
2. Offensive player protect the puck along the boards for 10-15 seconds.
3. Defensive player maintain net side with the stick on the puck.
4. Switch roles.


A500 - Puck Protection – Sw

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A500 - Gretzky Move and Shot - Sw

Key Points:
Attacker skate fake outside to draw the defender then cut across inside. Attacker recognize that defender has given up the blue line and force him to skate laterally by moving back and across to create space.

1. Attacker leave from the red line with a coach or another player backing up to the top of the circles.
2. Attacker fake skating to the outside.
3. Attacker see the defender lean outside and then quickly skate inside and back and then laterally to the middle.
4. Gretzky would skate across the midline and pump fake once and then shoot as the goalie moved across.


A500 - Gretzky Move and Shot - Sw

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A500 - Overspeed Puck Handling with a Shot - Sw

Key Points:
Players should skate and make moves at full speed. If they fall sometimes that shows they are pushing themselves beyond their comfort zone, which is great. Always follow the shot for a rebound.

1. Players are lined up along the boards with one colour on each side of the red line with a net at each blue line.
2. On whistle the players skate with the puck in the neutral zone.
3. Overspeed tempo with moves and turns at a faster pace than the players usually go.
4. Shoot on one net each on the next whistle.
5. Whistle about every 7”.


A500 - Overspeed Puck Handling with a Shot – Sw

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A500 - Deke and Breakaway vs. Backchecker - Sw

Key Points:
Use the Waggle with head and shoulder fakes skating one way and go the other way when the defender bites. Defender skate straight at the puck carrier and then backcheck when he goes by.

1. Puck carriers in the corner and at the red line with defenders about 8 m. away.
2. Defender skate straight at the puck carrier.
3. Puck-carrier waggle with a strong fake to make the checker commit to one way.
4. Puck-carrier go hard to the net and the defender backcheck.
5. Battle for a rebound.
6. Alternate starting from the corner and then the red line.
7. Larger groups could have players in both corners and both sides at the red line.


A500 - Deke and Breakaway vs Backchecker – Sw

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A500 - Waggle - Fake Go Outside – Build a Wall - Sw

Key Points:
The defender will always protect the middle so the attacker skate inside and when the defender adjusts inside then Waggle by accelerating outside and go wide. Once the attacker is past the defenders shoulder then build a wall and cut in.

1. Attacker leave from the red line vs. a coach or a passive defender near the top of the circle.

2. Attacker Waggle inside and when defender adjusts inside go outside, build a wall with the body and shoot.

3. The key is to force the defender to make lateral adjustments and not simply skate back in a straight line on the defensive side.

4. Circle back and rebound for the next shooter.

*If the defender turns while adjusting back outside it is possible to go to the middle.


A500 - Fake Inside Go Outside – Sw

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A500 - Tight Turn 8's - SW

Key Points:
Tight turn with knees bent and inside leg in front. On the forehand turn do as the goalie in the video and keep the top hand at the side and elbow back. Don’t cross your hands as you cannot shoot or pass right away (new thought being taught now).

1. Carry a puck while doing these tasks and alternate turns with a partner.
2. Do two figure eights starting to the right with turns about 8 m. apart – switch.
3. Do two figure eights starting to the left – switch.
4. Repeat facing forward all of the time.
5. Repeat using a heel to heel turn (Crosby, Selanne)
6. Repeat skating backward. Also carry only on the forehand, then only backhand.

*Avoid using pylons as repeating in the same spot ruins the ice. Players can figure out how to do a number 8 as they all go to school. There are enough lines and dots on the ice to use as guidelines without the pylons (after players are 100 lbs. or 45 kg.)


A500 - Tight Turn 8's – Sw

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B300 Monkey in the Middle vs 1 and 2 - Russian U20

Key Points:
Pass with good technique and give a target. Defenders keep the stick in passing lanes.

1. Choose teams with Rock-Paper-Scissors.
2. Start with one in the middle and then two when the first mistake is made.
3. Rotate on a bad pass or give-away.
4. Move with the puck and made stick and body fakes.
5. Use various kinds of passes or have rules such as one-touch only.



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B300 - One Touch Monkey in the Middle - Finland U20

Key Points:
Give a target and use head and body fakes as well as look one way and pass the other way.

1. Choose monkey with Rock-Paper-Scissors
2. Only one touch passes are allowed.
3. Player making a bad pass goes into the middle.
4. Add a second player as a monkey for advanced groups.



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E1 Elimination Shootout – Russia U20

Key Points:
Make a hard fake to cause the goalie to move and then shoot where he isn’t. Also shoot where the goalie is coming from and not where he is going. General principle is if goalie is out far deke and backs in shoot.

1. Everyone gets one shot.
2. Those who score get another shot.
3. Miss and you are out.
4. Winner is the last one left after all others have missed once.



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D200 Game With Various Situations - U18 F

Key Points:
Players must be alert to the changing situations from one to four opponents and communicate with each other. Only use one puck and pass to team mates on the whistle. Extra pucks can be dangerous when stepped on and hockey is played with one puck.

1. Teams line up near the dots outside of the blue line.
2. Coaches tell each team how many will go on the whistle.
3. Send from one to five, depending on how many are at the practice.
4. Shifts of 20”.
5. Keep score.



D200 - Game with Random Teams – Pro


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E1 Change on the Go with Pass Shootout - U18 F

Key Points:
Players should work on selling the fake, change of pace and making the goalie move first. The goalie must time his retreat into the net to keep good angles on shots and cover the goal line on dekes.

1. Players are in the box and one puck on each blue line for every player.
2. Player from each team leaves the box and tries to score.
3. If they score they race to the box and touch the boards and then the next player can leave.
4. If they don't score they pass to the next player who comes out of the box.
5. Losing team do something for every goal they lose by.

*To make it realistic the goalie should practice starting from the goal line and coming out.




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DT400 Game of Quick Transition – U15 B – Mike Johnston IIHF

Key Points:
The resting players attack right away when they get a pass and the original attackers must communicate and cover one attacker each.

1. Offensive team attacks 3 on 3. It can be 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2 or 2-3 also if the coach wants to practice these situations. Up to 5-5 is possible.
2. On transition to offense the defenders pass to their teammates waiting behind the blue line.
3. Attack right away (don’t have to wait for teammates to get onside in this game.)
4. Original attackers now defend and communicate with each other on how to stop the attack.
5. After a goal the defenders is allowed to pass to the new attackers.



DT400 Quick Transition Game - U15


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E1 Shootout Race – Sweden

Key Points:
Players must skate hard and battle for net side body position. Player who wins the puck must protect it and the checker fight for defensive side without taking a penalty. They should play any rebound in the slot.

1. Players start behind the blue line dots and race around markers near the red line.
2. The coach passes a puck in the centre near the blue line.
3. Two players battle to get the puck and score.
4. Continue the battle while one attacks and one defends.
5. Play any rebound directly in front of the net.
6. One group vs. the other and keep score.



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C300 Protect the Dot - Sw

Key Points:
Defender must keep the hands down and the upper body erect by playing the attackers stick and blocking chest to chest. Bend the knees and head up in a strong athletic position.

1. Defender in the middle protect the puck on the dot and block body and knock away stick
2. Attackers stand outside of the circle.
3. Attackers take turns tying to knock the puck off the dot vs. the defender.
4. If the first rush is blocked then the next player attacks.
5. Attacker goes into the middle if he hits the puck.



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B300 Escape from Alcatraz - SW

Key Points:
The prisoner escapes by knocking a guard out of the circle. Use the legs, keep the head up on top of the shoulders back up hands down.

1. Prisoner in the middle and guards inside the circle.
2. Prisoner gets one rush at each guard.
3. A guard who is pushed outside the circle becomes the prisoner.
4. Prisoner vs. each guard once then switch if he doesn't escape.



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C6 1-1 Battle in Front of Net - Sw

Key Points:
Attacker must protect the puck and make quick fakes to create space to get to the net. Defender stay on the net side tying to unweight the attacker at the hips and keep the stick on the puck. Tie up the stick on any rebound.

1. Start with the coach above the circles passing the puck to the attacker in the mid slot with the defender on the defensive side.
2. Extra players line up on the sides on the edges of the slot.
3. Attacker protect the puck and make moves to go to the net.
4. Defender block from the defensive side with ‘Body on Body and Stick on the puck.’
5. Coach pass a new puck when it is out of the area and extra players keep the puck in play.
6. Battle for about 15 seconds before rotating.



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C6 1-1 Checking From the Corner- Sw

Key Points:
Skate to the corner under control. Get good body position before you get tot he puck. Defender stay on the net side blocking the attack and stick on the puck.

1. Coach soft dump into the corner.
2. Blue and red player race for the puck.
3. Blue player protect the puck with the body using cutbacks and dekes.
4. Red player stick on the puck and body on body always on defensive side.
5. After the shot battle for the rebound.
6. Do from both sides.

* Add competition by keeping score.



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B300 Checking Along the Boards - Sw

Key Points:
Attacker protect the puck with the body and skates using dekes and cut backs. Defender stay on the d-side with stick on the puck. NHL now lasso's around with free hand on the back and stick on the puck.

1. One offensive player with a puck.
2. One defensive player who maintains defensive side.
3. Offensive player protect the puck with the bodys while skating along the boards.
4. Defensive player body on body and stick on the puck.
5. Defensive player can push on the hips to unweight the attacker.
6. NHL lasso's attacker with the stick around the body and on the puck and free hand on the back.
Jam puck loose.



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C6 1-1 Checking and Get Puck Out - Sw

Key Points:
The defender battles to get the puck out of the zone from the defensive side. Offensive player battles to hold the puck in by using his skate and stick.

1. Red one rim the puck hard to Red two.
2. Blue one pinch to keep the puck in the zone.
3. Battle until either the puck is out or shot in deep.

*Attacker use the outside edge of the skate to block the puck.
Defender try to chip it by with the stick or bump the attacker off the puck.



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D4 Jokers Behind the Net - U18 F

Key Points:
Focus on Game Playing Roles 1 (player with the puck) and 2 (players supporting the puck). Move when they get the puck. Try to make passes for one timer shots. Either the puck or the player moves.

1. Play with teams of from 1 to 5 players.
2. Each team has a joker below the goal line.
3. No one checks the joker.
4. All goals must come from plays started by the joker.
5. Play both even and odd man situations.
6. Keep score and play tournaments.
7. Progress to jokers can check jokers.



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C1-C3 Double Regroup 2-1 - Danish U20

Key Points:
Forwards face the puck and give a target . D pass while skating. Attack with speed on the 2-1, 'one high one low, one fast one slow.' D stay in the middle, deny pass across and breakaway and seal dangerous stick on the rebound.

1. F1 and F2 regroup with D1.
2. Regroup with D2 on the opposite side and other end.
3. Attack 2-1 vs. D1.
4. F3 and F4 regroup with D2.
5. F3 and F4 regroup with D3 and attack 2-1 vs D2 at the opposite end.

*Repeat rotating in the other direction.



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A2-3-200-300 Skating Technique from Finland

Key Points:
Good posture with the knees over the toes and shoulders no farther than the knees. Use all of the edges both forward and backward. Skating is a sideways motion with a quick recovery. The four videos focus on exercise for balance, edges, proper stride, turning, stopping, starting.

Video 1 – forward stride, balance position and edges.

Video 2 – edges, forward, backward, tight turns.

Video 3 – backward skating, edges, stride, turn, stop.

Video 4 – transition pivots, tight turns, skating with the puck, forward and backward turning.

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A - Skating Technique Video Demonstrations - Finland and Minnesota:

Skating is and always will be the most important foundational skill. I remember coaching a player at university who scored 81Goals - 81Assists his last season in major junior (I think he still has the pp goals record for major junior) and he wasn’t even invited to one NHL camp because they didn’t think he skated well enough and he was on the small side. So you might have all the other skills and great game intelligence but the first thing you need is to be a great skater.

Both of these videos really focus on technique.

Skating technique demo. Kai. The slides are in Finnish but anyone can understand the demo’s of good technique by the Finnish coach. Kai mentions he has an English translation but I can’t find it on the site. Maybe you can submit it Kai.


Hal Tearse from Minnesota Hockey moderates a 30 minute video with exercises for good skating technique.


A300 - Minnesota Skating Technique

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B-D Practice Practice - Give and Go

Key Points:
Shoot quick, pass quick, face the puck, give a target. Don't dust off the puck. Make hard fakes and accelerate after a move.

1. Four Quick shots.
2. Game with Jokers.
3. Game of 3-2. D inside circle, F outside circle.
4. Go around coach.
a. Waggle around then seal off and accelerate.
b. fake and across with puck in front of toes both forehand and backhand.

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B6 Point Shots - College W

Key Points:
Skate forward inside the dot before pivoting to. Shoot low for a tip in or rebound. One time the second shot in option two. Hit the net. Everyone practice this skill.


Option One
a. One pass to two and then screen goalie.
b. Two drag and shoot.
c. One go to point for a shot then opposite corner.
d. Three pass to four then screen goalie.
e. Four drag and shoot.

Option Two
f. Two stay at the mid point and get a pass from four and shoot before rotating.

*The video has only the pass and shot with defensemen but with the whole team add the screen and the one timer.



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